Up and ready

978 25 32

You woke up and rubbed your eyes to notice that you were in bed . The light shines through the curtains in your room. You groaned and got up to see that your rucksack was with you as well . You had a white desk and the walls in your room were also white and the rest of the furniture was black . you were a tad bit confused cause you were in a car but now you're in a bed. You got up out of bed and you walked slowly and out of your room . You noticed that Riley wasn't there and you stepped out of your room and you were met with a nostalgic smell , almost as if you've been there before .  you stepped out of your room onto the hard brown wooden floors and were met by a door on your left and one to your right .  There was a door down at the end and a staircase that led to the downstairs.you almost forgot about Hunter and you grabbed your phone and sent him a text .

you: hey wanna facetime ?
hunter : sure why not i mean i have  time :)
you : ok let me grab my headphones .

you went into your room quickly and grabbed your headphones from the side pouch of your rucksack. you left your room and closed the door behind you and you unlocked your phone to hunters contact  and you hit facetime. you put in your head phones and listened to the facetime ring and soon you were met by the lovely face of hunter.
'' hi .''
you said excitedly as you walked down the stairs .
you looked around as you held your phone in your left hand and you saw the front door. you turned and saw that there was a kitchen and a living room. you walked around cautiously and noticed how there weren't any photos of anyone and there was little to no life around the place but you hoped to change that.
'' so whatcha up to ?.''
Hunter asked .
'' not much , i had arrived at  me and my dads home yesterday .''
you spoke and went to the fridge .
you opened it up and noticed that there was no food or water in it and you groaned .
'' hey what's wrong ?''
Hunter asked, confused .
'' No food or water .''
you sighed .
you knew why there was no food or water too . I mean the house had been sitting here for years and it's mostly been a storage place if anything at that .
'' so y/n where is your house at ?.''
he asked curiously .
'' its on deans gate .''
you said as you pulled up the location on google maps .
Hunter's face lit up and he smiled at you .
'' we live right next to each other !.''
Hunter said excitedly .
That's a weird coincidence . I mean first you meet at the airport and become friends and now you live next to each other .
'' oh that's cool and what a weird coincidence .''
you laughed .
you closed the fridge and turned and you screamed .
you went to swing but your fist was stopped .
'' wait what's  going on.''
Hunter panicked .
'' Jesus dad, you scared me !.''
you said as you put your hand back at your side and looked at the masked man .
'' sorry y/n .''
Ghost said apologetically .
'' so who you talkin too huh.?''
ghost asked while crossing his arms .
'' oh im talking to hunter .''
you said as you smiled .
'' Alright , rileys upstairs sleeping in my room . ''
ghost said as he fixed his shirt .
'' hey dad would you be able to give me a few pounds to head to one of the shops in town ?''
you asked and texted hunter something .

'You : Hey sorry I'm texting you even though we are on ft but would you be able to show me around a market place ?

hunter : sure ill be happy too and don't worry about it lol i understand cause you dads there

you : thanks , at least we'll be able to hang out now lol

hunter : your right about that one

you : ill bring riley with us :)

hunter : heck yeah !

you : meet outside in 30 ?

hunter : sure :)

you went back to facetime and you said goodbye to hunter and you closed your phone .
you looked up at Ghost and you could've sworn that he kept staring at hunter while you were on facetime .
'' i'll  be with hunter , he said he would show me around .''
you said while putting your phone in your cargo pants .
'' i'll give you the money to go out but i want to talk to him first.''
ghost said , the ending a little stern and harsh .
'' Okay, I'll wash up real quick and get dressed out of my cruddy clothes . ill unpack later.''
you said as you went and hugged him.
he ruffled your bed head and he watched as you went back up stairs.
you ran upstairs into your room and you rummaged through your rucksack and you grabbed a towel and some clothes . you pick out some black stretchy leggings and a simple plain army green shirt . you grabbed your undergarments and you threw your rucksack to the side and placed your clothes out nice on your bed . you picked up your towel and undergarments and you went to the bathroom across the hall . you went inside and closed the door behind you locking it shut while placing your things down . There was a nice sized shower and there was white and black marbling on the tiled floors and the tiles  in the shower . There was a black sink with a mirror in front of it and a little shelf next to the frosted window . you unstripped all your old crusty work clothes and you pushed it off into the corner of the bathroom .
you turned on the water and waited for it to get warm . While you waited you wrapped your towel around you and ran quickly into your room retrieving soap and some deodorant along with some nice smelling perfume . you ran back to the bathroom and you set your stuff down on the top of the toilet seat . you got into the shower and you felt the warm water slowly drip down onto your arms and legs .  you wet the soap bar a little bit and you started to scrub off all the dirt and grime. you washed around your healing wound on your thigh gently and you made sure to wash off all the old blood that  was dried on you . you got the soap bar more soapy and you washed your legs top to bottom and you rinsed yourself off. you grabbed your towel that was hanging on the side of the shower and you took it and wrapped it around yourself . you opened up the shower door and stepped out of it being met by the cold air . goose bumps formed around your body as you shuddered from the cold air . you dried yourself off and you put on your  and you put on deodorant and some spray . you cleaned up and picked up your dirty clothes from the corner and you stepped out of the bathroom . you rushed to your room and you closed the door and hung your towel behind your door. you shimmied on your leggings  and you put on your shirt. you threw your clothes into a bin that was already set in your room and you placed it in there and put the bin in your closet. you fixed your hair and tied it into a bun and grabbed your watch and put it on your wrist . you put on your socks and your black boots and you sprayed a little more perfume on your neck . you went to your bed and you made it neat and nice and you grabbed your sweater and tied it around your waist . you opened the door to your room and stepped out of it walking down the stairs to meet Ghost . you forgot your phone so you ran back upstairs and you got it and went back . Ghost had Riley already on his leash and he had his arms crossed waiting for you . you felt a buzz come from your phone and you looked to see that it was hunter telling you he was outside . you and Ghost both turned your heads when you heard a knock come from the door and you went to the door but Ghost stepped in front of you and opened it . Hunter stood there and looked up nervously at the skull masked man .
'' uh hello s-sir .''
Hunter said nervously .
you took the leash from Ghost and you went past him with Riley and stepped outside to meet Hunter standing on your porch with his hands behind his back .
'' im y/n's father , state your business .''
the ghost said firmly.
'' i'm here to pick up y/n so we could head into the markets .''
Hunter said, looking at you nervously .
'' alright , if you hurt my daughter in any sort of form i will make you regret it deeply .''
Ghost said sternly .
he handed you some money and you took it from him and mouthed a small thank you and you looked at hunter . Hunter looked at Ghost with a fear stricken face .
'' i won't sir trust me you have my word .''
Hunter said quickly .
'' good, now y/n you know what to do if anything happens ''
'' yes dad i know .''
you said while rolling your eyes at him in a playful manner .
He gave you and Hunter a nod before leaving and closing the front door .
Hunter let out a shaky breath and turned to you . He wore some jeans with a blue and white striped shirt with some converse sneakers . riley stood neck to you and sniffed around near hunters feet. hunter looked down at riley and then at you and he smiled .
'' so i figured i take us to a food market since you dont have much in your house and maybe we could hang out at the local park after if we have time .''
he said sheepishly . '
'' sure id love that .''
you said while smiling as you three left your house into the streets .
you and him talked for a bit while you walked . you looked around in amazement and you took in all the news  . you reached a market and hunter lled you inside . it was a pet friendly place thank heavens but even if it wasn't you knew how to get in . you grabbed a basket and went into some of the aisles and you grabbed your basic goods such as canned foods , pasta and some rice .
you placed it all in your basket and it got heavy . you struggled to hold it and hunter noticed this and he grabbed the basket from you gently .
'' you don't have to its not a big deal .''
you said gently.
'' its okay i have it .''
Hunter said with a smile .
'' we should head to check out yeh ?.''
you said .
'' yeah lets go .''
Hunter said as you both walked to check out .
you were met with a nice lady in the front and she scanned all your goods and bagged them up.
'' that will be 35.20 .''
she said while handing you your receipt .
you nodded and handed her the money and she handed you back your change . hunter grabbed the bags and you both walked out  .
'' i could help you with that yoy know its  not your job .''
you said as you watched hunter hold the bags .
'' its fine really .''
Hunter said while smiling at you .

time skip —-----

you arrived at the park and hunter placed down the bags on the grass . you sat down with hunter and riley and you looked at the sun seeing how it was going to hit sunset.
'' wanna take a picture ?.''
you asked sheepishly .
'' sure .''
he said and he moved a little closer to you .
you held up your phone and you took a picture of you, hunter and riley sitting next to each other .
you looked at the photo and smiled and you sent it to hunter so he would have it too.
'' you know i had fun with you today .''
Hunter spoke while turning to you .
'' i did too .''
you said as you looked at the sunset .
'' I should get home . its getting dark .''
you said and you got up and grabbed the bags .
'' yeah well both walk home , i mean we do live next to each other after all .''
He laughed a little .
'' true .''
you grabbed rileys leash and you started to walk again as it started to get dark . After ten minutes of walking you finally arrived in front of your house . you knocked on the door and you were met by Ghost . He took the bags from you and walked inside but he turned and gave  hunter a small nod . Hunter looked at him a bit nervous but he shrugged it off . you went over to hunter and you gave him a hug and you patted his shoulder .
'' wanna hang out tomorrow ?.''
you said while going towards the door .
'' Yeah ! .''
Hunter said as he stepped off your porch and went next to his house .
'' Bye Hunter ! .''
'' Bye y/n .''
he said with a smile and he went home.
you did the same thing as well and you went inside and unclipped rileys leash .
'' how did it go ?.''
Ghost asked while putting the groceries away .
'' It went great . i had fun .''
you said as you hung up rileys leash near the door almost as if you knew it was supposed to go there .
'' he didn't do anything right ?.''
ghost said as he looked at you and walked into the kitchen with him .
'' Nope we just hung out .''
you said .
'' are you hungry ?.''
'' no i'm fine dad .''
you said with a little smile .
you weren't really hungry but mostly tired .
'' alright then head to bed if you want .''
'' I will , good night dad . i love you .''
you said as you headed to go upstairs .
'' luv you too kiddo , good night .''
you ran upstairs and you went into your room and threw off your boots and placed them in yoour closet . you unpacked your rucksack and you placed all your coloring stuff in your desk drawer and you put you clothes in your closet . After that you slipped on your pajama shorts and shirt and you went to the bathroom and brushed your teeth . after that you went back into your room but you called for Riley .
'' riley bed time  .''
you yelled from your room door .
rileys ears perked up at the sound of your voice and he ran upstairs and went into your room. He jumped into your bed and he sat and barked at you .
'' its bedtime bud .''
you said as you closed the door and turned off the light . you used your phone light and went into bed and you slipped under the covers and you plugged in your phone and texted hunter .

you : good night dude

hunter : night y/n see ya tomorrow .

you set your phone down on your end table and you silenced it . Riley laid down next to you and he snuggled his head onto your and you smiled while petting his head . Ghost stood in the kitchen wondering about hunter and autumn . He knew something was wrong and he knew it wasn't good either . He figured that he would find out tomorrow but for now he would just need to wait . patience is key .

A/n : sorry if this wasn't as good I'm extremely tired rn it's currently one in the morning so imma head to bed rn good night and I hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

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