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A/n : this is a bit of a short chapter not as long as others but enjoy :) .

( play music above chapter now  only if wanted  )

you left your rifle under the table but instead took out one of your knives and you gave Ghost a nod and headed with him . Soap and the others split up and had comms on them so you could communicate . Riley went with soap and accompanied him and you went with Ghost as always .You ran down the hallway and saw two soldiers armed and started to open fire on you and Ghost . Ghost shot one of them down but you decided to take this moment as a rage room . You ran towards the guy and before he could do anything you kicked the gun out of his hand and stabbed him multiple times in the neck . you kicked his body and started to look for more . you were angry and you decided to take it out on the enemy . you saw soap cornered and you took out one of your throwing knives and you aimed straight for the soldiers head and hit him dead on . You then went over to the other soldier quickly and punched the guy with all your force in the face . He fell to the floor with his hand on his face wincing in pain at the punch that he had just taken . you wasted no time and kicked the man hard and you then stabbed him in his neck and proceeded to take down more soldiers . Soap and ghosts looked at each other while they watched you take down more soldiers . your breath became quickened as you started to grow more tired but your anger drew you to keep going . it wasn't long before you took out the majority of the soldiers .
'' she's doing just fine right now ..''
Soap said nervously .
'' she kinda needed this .'
Ghost said .
After you had your spree of taking your anger out on the enemy you calmed down once there were no more soldiers in your area . The others commed in and said that where they were there were no more soldiers either but there was in fact more waiting outside . you and the others started to walk towards the outside a met with the corridor .
'' move with caution , laswell has her men coming soon .''
Gaz said .
You nodded and the others did as well and Riley was next to you and you gave him a signal and he moved slowly . you opened the doors to the outside slowly and Ghost pointed his rifle and you held up your knife but soap handed you your rifle that you had placed under the table.
'' don't make the same mistake twice , take it .''
Soap said protectively and you took it and placed your knife  back in your side pouch on your thigh .
'' you must not know why im here .''
The leader said as he walked towards you and told his men to lower there weapons .
Ghost stepped in front of you and he pointed his rifle at the man but the armed soldiers pointed there rifles again .
'' the fuck you want .''
You growled .
'' i'm here to bring my step child home .''
What what in the actual fuck .
You thought .
'' she's not your kid .''
Soap said in a dark deep tone .
'' your not taking me you stupid bitch go sell drugs or some shit .''
You spat .
'' you've got a tough one , suits her for being on task force 141 but she's coming home now .''
The leader said as he walked closer .
'' she's not going with you .''
Gaz said while giving a death glare towards the man .
'' you must know that her mother wants her back .''
My  mother ? Why would she want me back? After she left, why?
You thought .
'' my mother left me now fucking leave .''
You said as you raised your weapon and held it tightly causing your fingers to turn white a bit  .
'' her mother left so go .''
Ghost said angrily .
He wanted to punch the man right there on the spot . his teeth gritted in anger as he clutched his rifle more tightly . 
'' see now me and her mother have been together for years .''
The man smiled evilly .
Ghost boiled with rage and was trying to hold back from killing this man with his bare hands but he held it in somewhat .
'' you fuckin liar .''
Ghost said, raising his tone a bit .
'' she had an affair with me and it seems as she wants her daughter back now that she is ready to be a mother she never wanted you Ghost it was all manipulation  .''
You gave them a disgusted look .
Ghost yelled refusing to believe what he is hearing
Ghost yelled angrily .
Riley growled and showed his teeth at the man and kept
'' It seems as if we need to take her by force then . ''
The man said and his soldiers started to close in on you and the others .
'' after her now .''
The man said .
Ghost picked you up and the others ran into the brush of the forest on foot . you didnt know what was gonna happen  ut it sure as hell wasnnt gonna be good

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