Somebody else|Rafe Cameron

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(None of this is ganna be word for word on what actouly happend)
Type: angst
TW: yelling, violence, sensitive topics.
(I saw the part of you that only when you're older you will see too, you will see too-song)
You were on the couch in the château blankly staring at the wall. You're brother, John B, is in prison and has a possibility of getting the death penalty for something he didn't do. He was framed for murdering officer Peterkin, when Rafe was the one who shot her. Memerories from that day flashed through you're mind and all you wanted was for this mess to be over.
(I heald the better cards but every stroke of luck has gotta bleed through, its gotta bleed through-song)

~Flash backs~

You stood next to John B and Sarah as officer peterkin cuffed Ward. She stood up and had him get down on his knees as she pointed the gun at him for her own safety. As she was talking you heard a gun shot go off, making you flinch. You looked at Ward assuming he was shot but....there wasn't a singal wound on him.

You then looked up and saw Officer Peterkin drop to the floor on her knees before falling over. "No..."-y/n. You were about to run to her but John b heald you back. You looked up and saw Rafe with the Gun in hand. "Rafe, what did you do."-Ward. He said as he stood up. "I saved you dad."-Rafe. Tears formed in his eyes as he said that.(you heald the balance of the time, that only blindly I could read you, but I could read you-song)

When John B wasn't paying attention, you hot out of his grip and ran to Officer Peterkin, but you were quickly stopped by Rafe pointing the gun at you. "Don't move."-Rafe. "Rafe....put the gun down."-Ward. You decided to move anyway, knowing that there still might be a chance of saving Peterkin. (It's like you told me, go forward slowly, it's not a race to the end-song)

As you got down to her, not paying attention to the others, you put pressure on her stomach where the wound was. "Stay with me, it's ganna be ok."-y/n. You said as you're voice cracked and tears slowly ran down you're face. "John B! I need you're bandana! Hurry!"-y/n.

John b carefully ran over and took off his bandana, helping you wrap it around her wound. You heard peterkin mumble something so you leaned down closer so you could hear her. "Run."-Peterkin. "I can't leave you."-Y/n. You said whispering so Ward and Rafe couldn't hear you.

"Run."-Peterkin. You looked at John b, and he nodded. You then looked back at peterkin saying "I'm so sorry."-y/n. Before you and John B quickly got up and looked at Sarah, giving her a signal, and then started running.

"GET BACK HERE!"-Rafe. Sarah was right behind you guys before Rafe caught her and putting her in the car and locking her in.(I know this isn't what actouly happened but for the sake of the imagine-a/n)

Rafe then ran in the direction you went. As you were running through the woods you stopped to catch you're breath. As you stood there you heard footsteps, then realized it was John B (since he was right behind you) "John B, don't scare me like tha-"-Y/n. You cut yourwslef off as you saw Rafe stood infornt of you, with the gun in hand.(well you look like youreslef, but you're somebody else, only it ain't on the surface-song)

"Thought you could run?"-Rafe. "Rafe, please put the gun down."-Y/n. "Why should i?"-Rafe. He said walking closer to you, with his jaw clenched.(well you talk like youreslef no, I hear someone else oh know you're making me nervouse-song)
You thought of the best way to escape, knowing if this didn't work, he would kill you. 'Here goes nothing' you said to you'reslef before kicking him in the shin very hard. Making him drop to the floor, giving you a chance to run away.

~end of flash backs~
(you were the better part of every bit of beating heart that I had. Whatever I had-song
That was the last time you saw Rafe. He was you're best friend, but he still decided to frame John b without a second thought of what could happen to him.( I finaly sat alone pitch black flesh and bone couldn't believe that you were gone-song) You needed to get out of this house, so you got up and walked out of the château not really knowing where you're ganna go.

You looked at the ground as you walked, but then ran into someone. "Sorry."-y/n. You said before looking up and seeing the one and only....Rafe Cameron. "Y/n-"-Rafe. You then pushed him out of you're way, walking away from him. He then grabbed you're arm stopping you. "Please, let me explain i-"-Rafe. "What is there to explain! You murdered Peterkin and now my brother could get the death penalty!"-Y/n.(well you look like youreself, but you're somebody else only it ain't on the surface-song)

"Look I know you're upset with me and im-"-Rafe. "I don't want you're apology Rafe!"-y/n. You said pulling you're arm out of his grip and beginning to walk away. "Y/n please don't leave me ok!"-Rafe. (Well you talk like youreslef, no I hear someone else-song)

You stopped walking and turned to look at him. "I know what I did was wrong, but you have to understand I was protecting my dad. I was doing the right thing. I'll change."-Rafe. He said with tears slowly running down his face. You looked at him shaking you're head. You knew he needed help, but it scared you that he thought he was doing the right thing. (Oh now you're making me nervous-song)

"I can't keep waiting around hoping you'll change Rafe. I'm leaving, and you can come back once you change, and once you do the right thing."-Y/n. With that you turned around and walked away.....

~I saw the part
of you that
only when
you're older
you will see too,
you will see too~Song

Part 2?

Hi!!! I would've posted this sooner but by the time i had gotten done it was relaly late, so i decided to post it this morning. I hope you enjoyed this imagine!!! Please comment suggestions I would love to have help with ideas!!! Let me know on any of the imagines if you want a part 2! Sorry for spelling mistakes and/or misplaced words! I hope you all are doing great!!! You are all beutiful!!!<3

 I hope you enjoyed this imagine!!! Please comment suggestions I would love to have help with ideas!!! Let me know on any of the imagines if you want a part 2! Sorry for spelling mistakes and/or misplaced words! I hope you all are doing great!!! Y...

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