Y/e/c eye's, Y/c/h Hair|Rudy Pankow

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You're 1 year younger than Rudy, meaning you're 23.
Y/e/c= you're eye color
Y/h/c= you're hair color
TW: insecurities, body image, lack of self confidence(let me know if I missed anything)
This is probably really bad. So sorry in edvance, I don't really know what im doing😅

~Brown eyes, brown hair, yeah that sunlight that glare~Song

You stand infront of the mirror, getting ready for the premiere of Outer Banks season 1. You keep adjusting the dress you're wearing, but you can't get it too look right. You didn't like the way it sat on you're hips, and how it fit around you're stomach.

~But she seems insecure in all the photo's~song

(I imagined something like this, but the front is longer, you can change it if you want, also you can pick what hairstyle and shoes. I forgotto add the jean jacket, wattpad is acting weird and it wont let me add the pic, so imagine whatever jean jacket you want or dont want)

"Y/n! You ready!?"-Madelyn. "Uh....yeah, yeah I'm ready."-Y/n. You said looking away from the mirror and grabbing you're purse, then walking out of you're room.
You get to the front door and see Madelyn standing there waiting for you. "You look amazing! I love that dress on you!"-Madelyn. She said as you got to the door.

~she hides inside, her emotions aside~song

"Thank you. You look great too!"-Y/n.
You guys then walked out the door, locking it, then getting in the car and leaving.

(Small time skip)

You guys get to the premiere and see Rudy, Chase, Madison, and JD at the entrance waiting. You and Madelyn reach the entrance without them noticing. "Wow guys, were excited to see you too."-Madelyn. She said sarcastically. "Hey!"-Madison. She said hugging Madelyn, then you.

"Hey"-Y/n. You said smiling and hugging her back. "You all ready?"-JD.
'No' "yeah!"-Y/n. "Yah!"-everyone else.
"Alright, well they said that we can just walk in once everyone gets here."-Chase. "Lets get this show on the road!"-Rudy.

~so she can seem ok, can't have her friends know~Song

Chase then grabbed Madelyns hand, before walking in. You all imedeintly heard a bunch of screams in excitement. Then JD and Madison walked in. "You ready?"-Rudy. He said looking over at you with a smile on his face. "Y-yeah, I'm ready."-Y/n. You said giving a small smile.

Rudy then took you're hand in his before you both walked in. You were imedeintly met with a bunch of flashing cameras, screaming fans, and a whole lot of questions. "Y/n! Can you sign this please!"-voice. You heard a girl shout.

~But way deep down she's a lost soul-searching~Song

You looked over and saw a girl about 15 years old. You let go of Rudy's grand and walked over to her. "Hi! Whats youre name?"-Y/n. "Oh my word! I'm so happy I get to see you! My name is Evelyn, everyone calls me Evie. Could you please sign this for me!?"-Evie. "Yeah of course!"-Y/n. She then handed you the picture for you to sign it. As you were signing it, Rudy came behind you and looked over you're shoulder.

"Here you go! I hope you have a wonderful time!"-Y/n. "Thank you so much!"-Evie. "It's no problem!"-Y/n. Rudy then grabbed you're hand again before you both walked twards the others. You all stood in a line and took pictures together before you headed into the theater. As you headed into the theater you heald both of You're hands infront of you're stomach, to try and cover it.

~Small town girl never know she's hurting~Song

(Rudy's pov)

As we started to head into the theater I went to grab Y/n's hand, but I couldn't find it. I look over and I see Y/n holding both of her hands infornt of her stomach(hopefully that makes sence-a/n) I look at her confused before connecting the dots.

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