Let go pt2| Rafe Cameron

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TW: maybe a little bit of blood and violence? And a very long chapter😅
It's not all gonna be word for word.

"Fly the plane!" Sarah yelled out as you all braised for impact.

All sounds became muffled as you panicked more and more. Cleo looked at you in concern and pulled you into a side hug. "Please fly the plane! Please fly the plane!" You faintly heard Pope yell at Portis.

You all started to scream in fear as the plane went down. You closed you're eyes and heald you're breath.

Suddenly, you and the Pogue's went flying forward, landing on top of eachother. The plane landed in the water, front first. You groan in pain, putting you're hand on the right side of you're ribs.

You're eyes were still closed, and you're breathing was heavy. "Y/n! JJ! Wake up, we gotta get out!" You heard Pope yell. "Y/n...come on.." You heard Sarah softly but urgently say to you.

You opened you're eyes, taking a deep breath before Sarah helped you sit up.
"We gotta get out before it sinks." JJ said as he quickly opened the plane door. Everyone started to pile out, but you stopped suddenly. You looked back, seeing Portis unconscious....you couldn't leave him there.

"Y/n, Kie, let's go!" John B yelled out.
"Hang on!" You yelled before going to the front of the plane as quickly as you can. "Y/n!" You looked behind you to see Kie. "Lets get him out!" She yelled as she got up to you.

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