July| Rafe Cameron

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TW: Toxic relationship, angst, heartbreak, yelling, mentions of addiction.

(Season 2 Rafe)

Requested by: slytherin-sith

Based on the song 'July' by Noah Cyrus.

I hope this is close to what you wanted! Let me know if I need to change anything!

You sat in Rafe's bed, tears starting to form in you're eyes as you had been alone on the one night He promised to be there.

Instead, he was out partying with his friends. Ignoring every text and call he got from you.

'He's going to leave...'

'He doesn't love you anymore, beside you're Pogue, how could you ever be enough?'

You're thoughts were cut off by a door slaming shut downstairs.

You got out of bed and quietly walked through the hallway and down the stairs. You walked into the kitchen to see Rafe's back facing you as he looked through the fridge grabbing a drink.


He turned around at you're voice, his eyes were red and bloodshot, and no expression was shown on his face.

"Where have you been?" You asked quietly as you crossed you're arms over you're stomach.

He didn't answer as he opened the bottle of water, taking a drink. You then looked at the counter to see a small bag with a white substance in it.

You walked over and grabbed the bag, stepping back.

"Y-you....you told me you quit?" Rafe finally looked at you to see you holding the small bag he's been hiding from you for weeks.

"Y/n, give it back." He said, setting the water down and holding his hand out.

You shook you're head in disbelief. "Rafe, you said that you would quit. You told me-"

Rafe sighed, rubbing his eyes in annoyance. "Just give it here. Y/n." He said, holding his hand out once more.

His jaw was now clenched as he tried to calm himself down.

"I can't let you ruin you're life..." You said quietly as you held the substance behind you're back.

Rafe rolled his eyes at what you said before walking closer to you.

"Give it here." He demanded, looking directly into you're eyes.

Tears started to form in you're eyes knowing what you were about to do could ruin everything.

Rafe tried to grab you're arm but you quickly stepped back and took a run for it.

You ran into the bathroom and quickly closed the door, locking it whilst Rafe banged on the door and yelled, you're name.

"Y/n opened this door!!"

"I...I can't let you do this anymore..." You opened the small bag with shaky hands.

"What do you...." Rafe eyes widened as he realized what you were about to do.

"Y/n don't! Open this door now!" He started messing with the door handle and banging on the door with his shoulder, trying to get it open.

You're heart started to pound as you dumped the substance into the toilet.

Suddenly, the door busted open, and yoy turned to see Rafe standing in the door way ad he looked at you in pure anger.

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