Let go pt5| Rafe Cameron

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TW: Bruising, heartbreak, fear, guns, abuse, wounds, blood, detailed..?
Switches povs Suddenly and randomly

"He....he's h-here..."

You felt Rafe tense up.

"Who, y/n?"


Rafe gulped as you stayed in his arms, letting out sobs.

He carefully pulled you inside, closing the door with his foot.

"Y/n.. how far away are they?" Rafe wispered in the most calming tone he could use.

"I-i w-was a-at the-the-"

He heald you tighter. "Take deep breaths."

"I w-was at t-the sheriff's s-station. He-he followed m-me. R-Rafe, h-he's c-coming, h-he -"

"I know.. I know. Shhhh, i won't let anything happen to you." He wispered once again.

"Oh my, is everything alright???"

Rafe reluctantly let go of you're frail and bruised body, then turned around to see Sofia with a look of alarm.

"Sofia..you need to get out of here." Rafe said looking into her eyes.


Rafe gulped and licked his lips, not making eye contact with her.

"It's not safe here."

She scoffed as tears started to form in her eyes. Turning her head to look at you and then back at Rafe, she responded.

"It's because of her. Isn't it?"


Her eyes widened, which made Rafe realize what he said.

"No, no, no. That's not what I mea-"

"I have heard enough. I'm coming to get my things tomorrow."

She then started walking to the door.

"Sofia, come on."

There was no response.

"Please, don't do this. Okay? I didn't mean it like that."

She opened the door.


The door slammed shut. Not only to the house but to the love he once had.

Rafe scratched the back of his head out of stress before looking back at you. When he saw you there, tears running down you're scared face, bruised arms wrapped around you're starved stomach. The heartbreak vanished...

He realized the whole time he was with Sofia.. he was thinking of y/n.


Suddenly, a powerful bang rang through their ears, making Rafe imedeintly grab Y/n, taking her to the floor and shielding her.

Rafe's heart pounded out of his chest as he looked up to see a gun shot through the wall in front of him. If he didn't move Y/n..that bullet would have been through her head.

He got up quickly and gently grabbed Y/n's hand, pulling her up to her feet.

"We have to go, now."

Rafe pulled you upstairs to his room, locking the door. He turned around, seeing you shake in fear, decided to pull you to him and hug you, then sat down on his bed.

"Search the house!" Mr Singhs voice echoed. Footsteps could be heard running around, it was only when Rafe heard them comming upstairs that he decided to open his window.

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