Always be there| John B

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TW: Sickness, description of barf, mentions of abuse.

Sorry to all my late sleepers but in this one you're an early bird😅

Requested by: NOTscrappy

I hope this is close to what you wanted! Remember I can always rewrite it!<3 Also, I'm sorry it's very boring at first

Light shining from you're thin curtains caused you to wake from you're slumber.

You turned over on you're side to see that it was 10am, you're head was pounding and you're stomach was hurting.

You slowly got out of bed, getting ready for the day before quietly walking out of you're room.

The sound of footsteps made you freeze, as you waited to see who was around the corner.

"Y/n...let's go. He's asleep." You sighed in relief as it was only JJ and not you're father.

The both of you quietly snuck out of the house and headed to the château.


You and JJ walked into the château, You saw John B standing at the kitchen counter with his back facing toward you.

You walked up behind him and wrapped you're arms around his waist, laying you're head on his back.

You and John B have been together for 3 months now. He's never given you a reason not to trust him, but with you're's hard to put trust in someone.

John B turned around and smiled at you, pulling you into a hug.

You stayed in his arms, closing you're eyes as you listened to his heartbeat.

"Y/n/n what's wrong?" He wipsered in you're ear in confusion, as you aren't normally this tired

"I....." You stopped you'reslef, as memories flashed in front of you like a movie.

~Flash backs, 8 years old~

"Dad? I don't feel good." You walked into the living room, holding you're stomach in pain.

You're dad sat on the couch counting money.

"Y/n. Can't you see I'm busy, I don't have time for you're stupid excuses to get attention." He said harshly, glaring at you in disbelief that you would do that.

"Dad I'm no-"

And that's when things happened to quickly for you to process. Luke got up off the couch and harshly grabbed you're arm and took you to you're room. He squeezed you're wrist tightly, a bruise forming as he yelled at you.

He then threw you onto the floor, making you hit you're head against the wood. Did he care? No. He continued to shout and yell, and it only got worse from there....

~end of flash backs~

"Yeah...I'm okay, just didn't sleep last night with all of the snoring JJ did." You chuckled at the end, hoping he would believe you.

"I WAS NOT THAT LOUD!" You heard JJ yell in defence, ad he sat on the couch.

You, and the rest of the Pogue's laughed, knowing that he was always a loud sleeper.

You left John B's side and went into his room. You opened the drawer to his desk, picking out one of his sweatshirts and putting it on.

You walked out of his room, and JJ imedeintly gave you a confused look.

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