Something a little different🫶🏼

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As a thank you, I want to do something different. So please if you can, read this. I believe it's something you might need to hear.

Thank you so much for 17k reads, I honestly did not think my writing would go anywhere. Thank you for all of the support and love you have shown. Now, for this, I want to do something a bit different if that's alright. goes nothing.

I know personally, I read to get away from what is actually happening. To be in a different universe with the characters that comfort you. I want to remind you all that you have come so far. I know that mental health is not easy to deal with. Trust me, I understand. But love, look how far you have come, can't you give yourself at least a bit of credit?

You have made it through the days you said you wouldn't. I know it is not easy to do and that is why I'm so proud of you. You have woken up another day, and I'm so proud.

Take one step at a time, don't rush, only do you're best.

I know eating can be hard for some, but I want to remind you that you are so beautiful. I know you look at you're body in hatred at times, but you are so so beautiful.

Look at how perfectly you were made. Look at how beautiful you are inside and out. Society has made unrealistic beauty standards, and you should not have to suffer for something so stupid and inconsiderate.

You only need to look like you. You are perfect just the way you are, and if no one can see that, then they may as well be blind.

I don't care if you are 'too skinny' or 'too big'. You are beautiful. You, the one reading this right now, you are beautiful. So please, try to eat at least one meal. And if you can't eat one meal, then please try to eat a snack, just something small. You don't have to push yourself too hard, just one step at a time my love.

And if you need or even just want, you can message me and talk to me while you try to eat something. I'm willing to be here for you.🫂

You are loved. I dont care if you're brain says you are not needed or loved. Because you are. If I could I would give you all the love in this world, but sadly I can't. You are loved though. You are loved so so much. You might feel like you aren't but I promise you that there is someone who loves you. Okay?

My love do you hear me?

You. Are. Loved.

I know things are tough, I know things seem dark, and I know you are hurting. But I promise it doesn't last forever. It feels like it will, I know.

But I promise it won't stay forever. You may feel like this storm will never pass, but in the end, there will always be a clear blue sky.

So please keep going. You are worth more than gold. You are irreplaceable love.

There is no one on this earth that could replace you, you are one of a kind.

I know you think you deserve things to happen to you...that you deserve to be hurt or to cause hurt to yourself. But you truly don't.

Listen, please. You don't deserve to feel pain and you don't deserve to be hurt. You. Don't. Deserve. It.

I know in you're mind you are thinking that you do but you truly don't. If I could I would look you in you're eyes and tell you that you don't deserve it.

I know at times you want to feel something other than the emotions you're heart and mind are clouded with but please try you're best to ignore that voice in the back of you're head. No matter what you have done in the past or recent past, you don't deserve it.


You don't my love. You are doing great, I'm so proud of you.

You are beautiful, you are kind, you are loved, you are important, you are needed, you are wanted, you are irreplaceable, you are smart, you are caring, and you are overall amazing.
And you can't convince me otherwise.

I hope you have a good day or night. Make sure to get rest when you can and drink plenty of water and ear plenty of food. I love you<333

Kinda thought why not share a recent painting

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Kinda thought why not share a recent painting. All though I have no clue why it is sideways..?

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