Maybe one day|Pope Heyward

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TW: past relationship that's didn't work, I dont think there is anything else.

Requested by: Obxobessed
Hopefully, this is somewhat close to what you wanted<3
I'm so sorry this is very bad, it's my first time writing for Pope, I hope you enjoy it still

~Flash back 1 month ago~

You lay in bed, dried tears on you're face as you stared at the ceiling wondering,'Why do I have to ruin everything?'

You and JJ had been dating for 2 years until he accused you of cheating and broke up with you.

'Maybe I should have been more careful'

'I should have been more reassuring'

'When will I ever do something right?'

'When will I have a happy-'

You're thoughts were cut off when you heard a knock coming from the front door. 'Who in the world would be here at 2am?' Yoh asked youreslef as you reached the front door.

You opened the door and were met with Pope?

"Hey Y/n, I think I found something that could help us get the cross ba-" he then cut himself off when he saw the dried tears that lingered on you're face. You're eyes were red and puffy from crying.

He furrowed his eyebrows in concern as he took in you're appearance. "Hey, what happened?" Pope said as you let him in the house. "U-um nothing. What do you need? It's like 2am Pope."

"That can wait, Y/n." Pope then looked at you before speaking up again. "Are you ok?" He said, looking directly in you're eyes.

Tear started to form again, and you tried you're best to hide it, nodding in response, not trusting you're voice.

Pope sighed before he suddenly grabbed you're hand and pulled you into him before wrapping his arms around you, hugging you tight.

"You don't have to hide when you're hurting Y/n." Pope wispered in you're ear softly.

And that's when you broke down in tears, not being able to hold it in anymore.

Pope stood there hugging you and rubbing you're back letting you cry into his shoulder.

"I-i d-didnt m-mean to h-hurt hi-him." You said in-between sobs.

"'s ok Y/n. I know." Pope said comfortingly. "You did nothing wrong."

It broke Pope's heart to hear you cry. And once he put two and two together, he knew who you were talking about.

After a while, you stopped crying, and Pope never left. He stayed there hugging you. "Hey, why don't you get to bed. It's late." Pope wispered and slowly pulled away from the hug.

You nodded, rubbing you're eyes and following Pope to you're room.

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