First Christmas in love|Rudy Pankow

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TW: might make you feel single.

You were putting cookies in the oven when you're door bell rang. 'Its only 2pm and people aren't supposed to show up till 4pm?' You walked to the door and opened it, only to see Rudy wearing a huge Santa Clause hat, tinsel as a scarf, and Christmas tree sunglasses. "Merry Christmas!"-Rudy.

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"What in the world are you wearing?"-Y/n

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"What in the world are you wearing?"-Y/n. You said laughing. He smiled at you before answering. "What? It's Christmas, you have to dress for the occasion."-Rudy
He said as he walked in the house. You closed the door and turned around to look at him.

"What are you making?"-Rudy. "Well, I just got done with Christmas dinner, and now I'm finishing up the desserts."-Y/n. "How long have you been cooking today?"-Rudy. "Since I don't know, about 6am?"-Y/n. His eyes went wide. "Ok, I don't know how much you think we're ganna eat but-"-Rudy. "Rudy my parents and brothers are comming over."-Y/n.(you have four older brothers, you're the youngest)

And that's when a look of panic flashed over his face. "Wait, wait hold up. Who?"-Rudy. "My parents and brothers and-"-Y/n. "Why didn't you tell me sooner!?"-Rudy. You looked at him confused before realization hit you. "Are you scared of my brothers?"-Y/n.

He scoffed and cleared his throat. "Of course not."-Rudy. He said as his voice was a bit higher than normal. "You are!"-Y/n. You said laughing. "No, no you got the wrong idea. I-i just didn't know."-Rudy. He said as he took off the glasses and hat.

"Oh come on my family loves you."-Y/n. "You're brothers hate me."-Rudy. "No they don't hate you, they just like to give you a hard time."-Y/n. You said laughing before walking into the kitchen. Rudy set the glasses and hat on the couch before following you to the kitchen.

You opened the oven to check on the cookies, since the box said they didn't take long to bake. After you closed it you set a timer for 10 more minutes. You stood on one side of the island, and Rudy stood on the other.

"Rudy. It's going to be fine. Just be you'reslef ok?"-Y/n. "Yeah yeah ok."-Rudy. He said moving walking over to you and hugging you're waist from behind. "Y/n."-Rudy. He mumble. You looked up at him, resting youre head on his shoulder. "I love you."-Rudy. "I love you too."-Y/n. You said smiling. He leaned down and gave you a quick kiss before giving a smile back.(did that make sence?-a/n)

~Time skip~

You and Rudy were in the living room sitting on the couch when the door bell rang. You sprung up from you're seat and ran to the door. You opened the door to see you're brothers and parents standing on the porch. "Merry Christmas!"-Family. You guys started to exchange hugs and Rudy stood there awkwardly.

"Rudy! It's so good to see you!"-Mom. She went up to him and hugged him. And you're Dad followed giving Rudy the handshake hug(you know the ones guys do all the time-a/n) and you're brothers did the same.(you're brothers names are Jackson, Liam, Elijah/Eli[E-Lie], and Owen. Yes I know these are all really random but it's all I could come up with)

You and you're Mom went to the kitchen to grabb plates, forks, napkins, ect. And the boys set the food on the table. Once you all sat down you're Dad said prayer over the food, and then you guys started eating.

"So...Rudy?"-Eli. "Yeah?"-Rudy. "How long have you been living here?"-Eli. You're Dad imedeintly looked between you and Rudy, with an interested expression. Rudy gulped then cleared his throat before answering. "Um I'm actually not living here."-Rudy. "Oh, my bad."-Eli.

You knew from that moment, you're brothers were ganna start something. "So is it a commitment issue, cause haven't you and Y/n been dating for like over a year?"-Jackson. "No, no nothing-nothing like that its just..."-Rudy. Rudy looked at you for help, but before you could speak up you're Mom did.

"Boys stop. They've only been dating for almost a year, not more than. And he respects Y/n's choices. Leave him alone."-Mom. You smiled at you're Mom and she winked at you in response.(sorry this is so bad-a/n)

After everyone was done eating you all decided to watch a Christmas movie(you pick-a/n). And by that time, you're brothers had stopped giving Rudy a hard time. Well sort of.
You sat down on the couch and Rudy was about to sit next to you, when you're brothers took the seat.(you were by an arm rest, meaning Rudy couldn't just sit on the other side of you)

"Guys come onnnnn, move!"-Y/n. They then wipsered among themselves before looking back at you. ""-brothers. They said at once. "Come move."-Mom. They all grumbled before moving.
Rudy then sat next to you, putting a blanket over the both of you.

{After a couple of minutes}

You looked uo at Rudy and smiled. He then looked at you with a confused look. "What?"-Rudy. He wispered. "This is one of my favorite Christmases."-Y/n. "Why?"-Rudy. "Cause it's my first Christmas in love."-Y/n. Rudy blushed and smiled at you. You kisses him before turning you're attention back to the movie.

Ok this is really bad and I'm very sorry. I didn't know what else to do. I hope at least some of you enjoyed this. I hope you have/had a great day/afternoon/night! You're all amazing and I'm proud of you! You're all beautiful!<3

 I hope you have/had a great day/afternoon/night! You're all amazing and I'm proud of you! You're all beautiful!<3

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