Sickness|Rudy Pankow

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TW: sickness, fever, mentions of throwing up

Requested by: maddie_clineee

I hope this is close to what you wanted! Please message me if you want me to change anything! I can always rewrite it. It won't hurt my feelings<3
Side note if you have Emetophobia, don't read this.

You woke up feeling dizzy and warm, so you went to the bathroom to check you're tempeture.

You sat in the bathroom waiting to see what you're tempeture was, and once it made the small beeping noise, you imedeintly picked it up.


'Thank goodness' you sighed before starting up you're morning ruteen.


Once you were ready, you grabbed a granola bar. You locked you're front door before getting into the car, buckling you're seat belt and driving off to work.


You were hoping that by the time you'd get there, you'd be feeling better....but that wasn't the case.

You walk over to Jonas as he sets everything up for filming.

"Hey, Y/n." He said as he saw you. "Hey Jonas, is there anything I can do to help?" You asked as you didn't want to sit around whilst everyone else was working.

"Um...not really just go ahead and go relax, and we'll come get you when we're ready." You nodded in response before heading to you're trailer.

'What is wrong with me today?' You rubbed you're forhead as a headache started to form, and you continuously kept getting hotter. 'Maybe it's just couse of how hot it is today...'

You reached you're trailer and got in, imedeintly turning the AC up. As you walked over to the couch, you felt very dizzy, you're heart started to race a bit, and you're stomach started gurgling.


You gaged, but quickly covered you're mouth and ran to the bathroom.

Once you sat down by the toilet, you immediately started to regurgitate. Gaging over and over again, and not being able to stop regurgitating made you're throat burn, tears brimmed in the corners of you're eyes as you leaned over the toilet emptying everything you had in you're stomach.

Once you calmed down a bit, you carefully got up and grabbed a wash cloth, wetting it and wiping you're mouth.

You still felt as though you were going to get sick again, so you sat down carefully against the wall in front of the toilet.

You're heart was still racing bit then you're stomach started gurgling again before you gagged and leaned over the toilet, starting the whole process all over again.

'This is going to be a long day'

~ Rudy's pov ~

"Hey Chase, whatchu up to?" I asked as I was bored and hadn't heard back from Y/n.

To be honest, I was kinda worried... I didn't want to be that clingy boyfriend though so I left it alone.

"Eh, nothing much. I'm just kinda waiting around, relaxing."

"I was wondering if you've seen or heard from Y/n?"

"Oh yeah, I saw her talking to Jonas about hour ago? I think she went to her trailer."

"Alright, thanks dude." I said, walking away and heading to her trailer.

'Was she mad at me?'

(Back to third person pov)

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