I lost a friend| Drew Starkey

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TW: You're just friends...💔

~Flash backs~

"Y/n, are you ok? You're really quiet right now." You and Drew were hanging out at Drew's house watching movies. Today was the day you were going to admit you're feeling to Drew... it was time to tell him.

"Y-yeah, yeah, I'm fine....um actually, can I talk to you about something?" You said as you picked at the fabric on the blanket that covered you and Drew. He paused the movie before turning toward you.(You guys are on the couch, and he turned to face you)

"What's going on?" He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Um...what im about to say could ruin everything...and-"

"Wait Y/n what do you mean? You're scaring me..." Drew said as he scooted closer to you.

"....I-I like you, Drew." Drew chuckled before answering. "Well, I hope you do, ha we wouldn't be friends if you didn't."

"No... Drew, you don't get it..." You're voice started to crack as you looked twards the TV. "Y/n...what's going on?" He said concerned but also confused.

"I...I'm in love....with you." You turned to look at him and saw his eyes go wide in realization. He looked down at the blanket and licked his lips before gulping.

"P-please say something." You said in barley above a wisper, worried about what was going to happen. "Y/n...I um, I don't know how to tell you this..." he scratched the back of his neck as he continued to avoid eye contact with you.

Tears brimmed you're eyes, as you knew you just ruined everything.

"Um...I'm-Im in a relationship...Y/n im really sorry, but um... I'm in love with someone else..." he looked up from the blanket to see you're reaction.

You're face fell, and you looked down at you're hands. "Oh..." This was so stupid...how could someone like Drew... want to be with you. "Right...um this was stupid...im just gonna go now..." you said, getting up off of the couch and grabbing you're phone and car keys.

"Y/n...come on, please - look, im sorry." Drew got up and followed you.
"No, no, it's fine. i...um I completely understand... im gonna go now." you said, wiping the tears coming down you're face.

Before Drew could answer, you closed the door... leaving.

~end of flash back~

That was the last time you saw Drew. It's been 3 weeks since that moment...it's not like he didn't text or call you. Just whenever he texted, you gave short responses, and whenever he called, you came up with an excuse not to answer.

As you layed in bed scrolling through Instagram, you found Drew's girlfriend, Emilys account(sorry if Emily is you're name😅)

You started to look at her account but then found her new post.

@emilyjane: went out on a date after filming! He's literally so sweat!<3
@obxfan: Aww, you guys are so cute!!!
@mrsmaybank: You guys are my favorite celebrity couple😍
@forevershipy/nandDrew: Does anyone wonder what happened to y/n?... nope, just me...ok.
~read more~

You set you're phone down and looked up at you're celling.

He looks happy....that's what matters... just as long as he's... happy.

Part 2?
Hey everyone! I'm so sorry that this is so short, but...um here you go? This one is really bad but I wanted to post so... yeah. I hope you all are doing ok! But if not, remember, im here for you! You all are so important and please never forget that! Love you all! You're all beutiful!<333

 I hope you all are doing ok! But if not, remember, im here for you! You all are so important and please never forget that! Love you all! You're all beutiful!<333

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