Maybe you'd be happier pt3 |John b+JJ

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*Next day*

You lay in bed awake, trying to figure out what you're going to do.

'How are they so stupid to steal 25k from a drug dealer!?' You thought. Getting out of bed, you get dressed before walking out of you're house.

You start to head to the château, hoping to find the money that was stolen. It is currently 5:00 in the morning, maybe with it being so early you can buy yourself some time.

You reach the château, seeing that the twinkie was gone, meaning that no one was home.

Looking in every place you can think of, you fail to find the money. "Crap..."
You said in a wisper.

~Y/n's pov~

I searched through every draw, closet, and loose wood pieces. My breathing picked up as I started to worry. It's already been 3 hours...

I walk into the room JJ normally stays in and search the dresser. Pulling out every piece of clothing, all I found was wrapper and old pop can lids.

Standing up, I run my hands through my hair in frustration. As I walk out of the room, I hear a noise in the kitchen followed by footsteps.

"Can't hide forever, princess."

I felt like puking....what do I do. The château is so small that I don't have an escape. Taking a deep breath, I quietly go to big John's office and close the door.

I looked around the room before seeing the window, dried pain covered it.. but that is my only chance. Locking the door, I then go to the window, trying to find something sharp enough to chip the paint off.

I finally spot a screw driver in a box. I grab it and try to chip off the pain at the opening of the window.

Suddenly, the door nob started rattling before shouts were heard.

"Open this door righ-now! You're making a lot worse for you!"

~back to third person~

You set the screw driver down and started to try and push the window open. "Come on....come on..." You pushed harder, and the window finally opened.


You drop to the floor, ducking as you hear the gunshot. Quickly getting back up, you start to climb through the window.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

Barry pushed the door open only to see you trying to crawl through the window. He quickly went to you, grabbing you by you're waist and pulling you out of the room.

"Let me go!"

Shouting, you tried to get out of his grip.

"I told you to get my money from you're stupid Pogue friends." He said harshly as he dropped you on the ground outside of the château.

You grunted as you landed on you're shoulder before looking up and seeing Barry standing over you, holding a gun.

"Stand up."

You hesitated as you're heart was trying to beat out of you're chest.

"I said stand up!" He yelled and pointed the gun at you're head. You stood up trying to back away, only to get grabbed harshly by you're wrist.

He holds the gun against you're head, looking you in you're eyes.

"Not so brave now, are you princes?"


Hi my loves! I'm so sorry for the terrible update schedule. I have a lot of personal things I am struggling with and it makes it hard to have motivation to write. I also apologize because I feel like this chapter was terrible. Anyways, I love you all! Please, please, eat love. You need to take care of yourself the same way you would tell someone else to. You are all so beautiful, and I'm so proud of how far you have come. You are doing great, and I'm always here if you need anything. I love you all, I wish you a good day or night<333

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