Let go pt4| Rafe cameron

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TW: Mentions of blood, bruising, abuse?...crying, yelling, heartbreak?...I think that's it.

You lay in the hammock outside of what used to be the château.

You're eyes slowly open, the light from the sun beating down on you. The sound of birds sining the morning songs and the grass wet from the morning dew.

You lay there, having no motivation to move as you'rebody ached in pain.

As you closed you're eyes to fall back into sleep, the sound of sticks breaking could be heard behind you... multiple sticks....meaning multiple footsteps.

"I knew you'd be here."

You quickly jumped up and turned around. Mr Singh.

"For every action...there are consequences, you know."

You saw two men beside him, pointing guns toward you.

                      ~Rafe's Pov~

I walk around the house as the image of Y/n's frail body won't leave my thoughts.

The bruises that lingered all over her body.

The scars around her wrists and above her eyebrow.

The tears that ran down her face as she talked about what happened.

The way her body shaked.

The look of pain that lingered on her face.

The way her voice cracked with each sentence she said.

The dark circles under her eyes.

The way I.......broke her heart.

My breathing got heavier and tears started to form in my eyes making my jaw clench tight.


I turned around to see Sofia with a concerned look on her face.

She walked up to me and pulled me into a hug. I hesitantly wrapped my arms around her waist as my head sat on her shoulder.

"It's ok." She wispered in my ear.

~Flash backs~

Y/n pulled me into a hug as I cried into her shoulder. "It's ok....it's ok."
She wispered as hugged me tighter.

Blood dripping from my knuckles as I stared at the whole in the wall in front of me.

"What...w-what is wrong with m-me?"

More tears fell from my eyes as I broke down in her arms.

"W-hat did I...I do to him?"

My breathing for heavier as my body shook.

"You did nothing to him....nothing."
She wispered back still holding me in her arms.

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