Devil doesn't bargin|John B

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Type: angst, fluff
TW: violence, abuse, yelling
Sorry I'm too tired to do all the lyrics like I did with the last one.
~The devil doesn't bragin~song

I slowly opened my eyes, waking up to the sun shining through my window. I get out of bed, and walk to the baithroom, closing the door.
I look at myslef, through the mirror, and notice a huge dark bruise around my eye. "Great."-y/n.

I get my hair up into a messy bun, and put on a oversized hoodie. I walk out of the baithroom into my bedroom, and put on my shoes before walking out the house. Today I'm hanging out with my best friends, JJ, Kiara, Pope, and John B. Once I got outside I grabbed my bike and headed to the château.

(Small time skip)

I set my bike against a tree before walking inside. "Hey!"-Kiara. "Hi"-y/n. I said smiling. "JB, y/n's here!"-Pope.
"Alright, you all ready to go?"-John B.
You all nodded in response. "Lets get this hsow on the road, come on!"-JJ.
You all laughed before walking out the door, and getting into the twinkie.

"I call shot gun!"-y/n. You said as you and JJ ran twards the passenger seat.
You both touched the van at the same time. "Ha, I got here first!"-JJ. "Hey that's not far I called dibs!"-Y/n.
"Fine, let's have John B decided. Hey JB!"-JJ. "What is it now?"-John B.
"You have to pick. Y/n or you're best friend."-JJ. "For what?"-John B.

"Who gets shot gun."-JJ. "....y/n."-John B. He said getting into the car. "Ha! I knew you would- wait what!?"-JJ. You smiled at him before sitting upfront. JJ rolled his eyes, getting into the back seat, as he mumbled. "Simp."-JJ.
You listened to everyone talk to eachother as you sat in silence.

"So...where did you get that one?"-John B. He said quietly. "What?"-Y/n. You said looking at him.
"The bruise, around you're eye."-John B. "Oh, um....I got into a fight with a koo-"-Y/n. "Let me geuss, Lucas?"-John B. He said glancing at you. "No. Like I was saying, I got into a fight with a kook."-Y/n.

"Y/n....look you can tell me-"-John B.
"I already told you. We don't need to have this same conversation every stinking week."-y/n. "I know how he is y/n. And I know what he's done-"-John b. "he's changed, and I don't need you telling me, what he has and what he hasn't done."-y/n

~and just like before I can see that you're sure, you can change him but I know you wont~song

He sighed but didn't say anything else.
You guys arrived at the boat dock. You all got out the van and grabbed the coolers which had drinks and snacks.
As you walked to the boat, you saw Lucas walking twards you.

"What are you doing here?"-Lucas. "I'm hanging out with my friends."-y/n. "I thought I told you to stay at the house."-Lucas. He said walking closer to you. "Is there a problem here?"-JJ. JJ said from behind you. Lucas gave you a look before answering. "No, I'm just ganna talk to y/n for a second."-Lucas.
"I think-"-JJ. "It's fine, here just take this, ill be right there."-Y/n. You said handing him the cooler.

JJ nodded, looking at you then at Lucas, before walking away. Lucas pulls you by you're arm, out of sight from the boat. "I told you to stay at the house, did I not?"-Lucas. He said once you were away from the boat. You looked down, not responding. He then grabbed you by you're neck making you look up.

"Answere. Me."-Lucas. He said in a harsh tone. "I-im sorry-"-Y/n. "No! I didn't ask for an apology did I!? Didn't I tell you to stay at the house, or did I not."-Lucas. "You d-did."-y/n. You said as tears pricked youre eyes, but you didn't let them fall.

~The devil doesn't bargin, he'll only break you're heart again, it isnt with it darlin, he's never ganna change~song

He let go of you're neck and nodded, before he slapped you hard across the face. Making you stumble back. "Next time I suggest you listen! Stop worrying about you'reslef, and do the one thing i ask you to do! Understand?!"-Lucas.

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