Sickness pt 2|Rudy Pankow

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TW: graphic detail, throwing up, fever, mentions of misused medication, blood, DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVE JUST EATEN OR ARE EATING.


Ok maddie_clineee I hope this is close to what you wanted! Sorry for it being late<3

Rudy woke up to you jolting up from you're sleep.

"Hey, hey what happened?" Rudy said as he rubbed you're back. You then quickly got off the couch and ran to the bathroom.


you're stomach and throat burned, as acid from you're stomach left you're mouth and into the toilet.

You gagged over and over again until you started dry heaving.

Rudy imedeintly ran to the bathroom once he heard you vomiting. Kneeling down beside you and holding you're hair back for you.

"Y/n... I know it's gonna be hard, but I need you to take some deep breaths..." Rudy wipsered when you started to dry heaving.

After a couple of minutes, you finally calmed down, sitting against the wall as Rudy flushed the toilet and grabbed the wet wash rag.

"I think we should head home...I'm going to go tell Jonas, I'll be right back." He said after he wiped you're mouth off for you.

~Rudy's pov~

I walked out of the trailer going to the set.

"Cut! Take a break everyone." I heard Jonas yell out.

"Hey, Jonas!?" I said, grabbing his attention as I headed over to him.
"I'm going to take Y/n home. She's not doing well."

"Ok, um, if you guys need anything, just call, alright?"

"I will, thank you."

I then got into my car and rove it to Y/n's trailer so she wouldn't have to walk so far.

"Y/n.." I said as I knocked on the bathroom door. "C-come i-in." She answered weakly. I walked into the bathroom to see her still sitting on the floor and leaning her head back against the wall.

I picked her up gently, holding her bridal style as I took her to the car.
I carefully set her in the passenger seat, buckling her in and gently closing her door.

I walked back into the trailer, grabbed my phone and Y/n's before heading back to the car.

"Y/n, if you feel like you're going to be sick, let me know, and I'll roll the window down, ok?" I said as I buckled my seat belt and started to head to the house. She nodded in response, leaning her head against the window.

(Back to third person pov)


You guys made it home, Rudy had you hold onto his arm as you both walked into the house.

He helped you sit down on the couch before he set both you're phones on the coffe table.

"Y/n, I need you to try and eat something so you can take medicine... Do you think you could swallow a pill?" He asked as he laid a blanket on you. You shook you're head 'no' in response.

" you have the medicine that I can put in you're food?"

"'s in the cabinet in the's in a g-green packaging."

"Ok, I'm going to get that, and then I'm going to make some soup, yell for me if you need anything, ok?" He kissed the top of you're head before heading to the bathroom to find the medicine.

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