We're never chosen first| Rafe Cameron

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TW; death, blood, murder, anxiety

It felt like I couldn't breathe. All my memories of the only parental figure I had flashed through my mind as I held her dying, bleeding body. "Please ,please don't leave me, Susan." I cried over her body, trying to stop the blood. John B and Sarah already ran, leaving me alone, forgetting me.

Ward sent Rafe after them as he called the police acting like he's a victim. One sentence almost took my breath. "The girl who shot her is still here, I need you to hurry, now!" I looked at Susan's face as the life in her eyes started to fade. "M-mom.. please. I-i need you. You're all I have, i-ive never had anyone before. P-please." I begged as tears streamed down my face. I had never gotten to call her mom before, and I had never gotten to thank her for being here.

Suddenly, her weak hand came up to my face. "G-go. K-keep....g-going." She said in a strained tone. "I can't leave you... please don't leave me." I cried as the life faded from her eyes, and her body went limp. I felt her heart stop. No... no, no. "No!!! Please, please d-dont g-go!" I cried harder and harder, not worrying about running, I didn't want to leave her.

Police sirens could be heard, and a medic ran out. Before I could say anything to the medic deputy Shoupe came behind me and roughly pulled me to my feet while cuffing my hands behind my back. "Wait! Please, please, I can't leave her!!!! Please!!" I begged as I cried, but he didn't listen and shoved me in the back seat of the vehicle. I cried as I watched the medics tell Ward she was gone. I lost everything I had in a matter of minutes.

(Time skip, two days later.)

I stood in front of the judge, tears slowly running down my face. The pogues showed up to my surprise, but they didn't do anything to defend me. They had a chance to make a statement and did nothing. "Pursuaint to the North Carolina statue section fourteen, you are charged with murder in the first degree with aggravated circumstances. If convicted, the maximum sentence would be the death penalty."

My heart dropped as I looked up in shock. I looked around as my body shook. "P-please, i-i didn't do anything, I didn't do anything." I said, panicking. No one came to my defense. The pogues didn't panic or look remorseful in any way. I tried pulling away from the policeman who heald me in place. "Please, tell them! Tell them John B! Please!!" I begged, but he said nothing.

Looking around, I watched as everyone left, except there was one who stood still, one who looked regretful. Rafes gaze met mine as he took in a sharp breath. I watched as he looked around him before walking up to me. "Y-you, you're the -" before I could finish, he spoke. "I know... I won't leave you here, okay? I'll find something."

I was shocked by his words, and I looked up at him. "Why..."
"I know what it's like to be last." He said before I could respond, other officers made him walk out.

(Time skip, two weeks, sorry I know it's another one)

I sat on the thin mattress in my cell as I laid my head on the wall. Tears were stained on my face, my eyes red, and dark circles covered my eye-sockets. I didn't look up as I heard a clicking sound of the cell door opening. I hadn't eaten anything, and I won't no matter how many times they try to make me do so.

"Gosh...Y/n." I heard a softer tone speak as footsteps got closer to me. I looked over to see Rafe. No emotion was shown on my face, but I that didn't mean I was relieved. I know I didn't look like myself. Rafe walked over and without a word, picked me up bridal style, and started walking. I didn't know where, I was too tired to comprehend and felt too comforted to move my head away from his chest.

Before I know it, he's setting me down in his truck on the passenger side. He leaned the chair as far back as he could and then buckled me in. He made sure my arm was out of the way before he closed the truck door and got in on the driver's side. As he drove off, heading to who knows where, he kept looking over and checking to see if I was alright. His truck was warm and comfortable, causing me to fall to sleep.


I felt myself moving, which caused me to jolt awake with a small gasp. "Shhh, shhhh, it's just me, Y/n. It's just me." He spoke softly as he picked me up the same way he had done before. I relaxed a little. "Where are we?"

"A summer house my dad never uses." He answered as he took me inside. "I..I can walk." I see him hesitate before he sets me down. Scratching the back of his head he looks around. "Uhm, it isn't much, I don't know if we really have anything here. I know there's stuff if you want to take a shower. We should have some clean clothes somewhere..." He trailed off as he walked into, what I assume to be, a bedroom.

"Here it is..." I heard him almost mumble as the sound of drawers open and close. He walked out with what looked like a hoodie and y/c/b (your choice of bottoms). "Hopefully, these will fit." He said, handing them to me before he walked off into the kitchen and looked around.

"You don't have to take care of me.." I said as I followed him. He turned to face me when I spoke. "No one said I had to. I want to... you didn't do anything to deserve being alone."
I took in a sharp breath, "Thank you..." I watched as he smiled softly and walked up to me before hugging me. "You don't have to thank me...from now on, you won't be chosen last."

Hello loves!!! It's been a good while, and I apologize for that. My writing is probably a bit off due to that, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please eat and drink water, remember you are all so beautiful and loved. I care for all of you! I apologize for any spelling mistales and grammar issues<3333333

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