If they wanna leave|Drew Starkey

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Let's say you are 24 and drew is 28?
Its July, so it's warm outside.
TW: break up, depression,crying?

Right now you are in a fight with you're boyfriend Josh of 4 years, because of something his sisters said about you. They said that you were cheating on Josh and that they had seen you kiss another man. You struggle with depression, and you overthink everything. Josh was the only one who helped you through these.

~You're holding you're head, just trying to make sence of all that they said~song

"I promise you I'd never cheat on you!"-Y/n. "Really!? So then why did they say that they saw you kiss another man!?"-Josh. "They're lying! We've been together for four years, why don't you believe me!?"-Y/n. "They're my sisters y/n! They won't lie when they're trying to look out for me!"-Josh.

~Don't know how you got here, looking for a way to steer them away from the end~song

"Josh please, i love you"-Y/n. "Yeah, I thought the same thing."-Josh. "What?"-Y/n. "I think it's best just to end this."-Josh. "No, let's work this out-"-Y/n. "Y/n, clearly none of this is working out! Were done!"-Josh.

~ask you'reslef what is there to save? When they're telling you they've made up they're mind~song.

"No, please we can work this out. We always do!"-Y/n. "Y/n I'm done. I've heard,many times, from my sisters on how on the weekends you're out with another guy. I'm done."-Josh. "Wait-"-Y/n. "Goodbye."-Josh. He said in a harsh tone.

~if they're ganna leave than shake they're hand and let them go, its ganna be hard to, but if they loved you, darling youd know~song

With that he grabbed his coat and headed to the door. "Josh, you can't be serous! Please don't leave me"-Y/n. You said with tears slowly running down you're face. The truth was you didn't have anyone else, you didn't have friends, you were an only child and you were a disappointment to you're parents. He then slammed the door on his way out.

~So stop begging them to stay, they're not the one and that's ok.~Song

You stood there frozen. You don't have anyone, and now you're alone. You decided to go on a drive, maybe that will silence you're mind. 'Was he trying to get rid of you this whole time?' You walked out the door, got in you're car and started to drive. You didn't know where you were going, you just drove(that's the word for it right? Please let me know if I'm wrong-a/n)

~iys another goodbye you didn't want I know you're dying inside. But you've gotta be strong, you can love someone and try to move on~song

You ended up in an empty Walmart parking lot. (Considering it's 12am)
It was pouring down rain and at this point you had to stop driving because you're vision was getting blurry from the tears you were holding back.
You parked you're car and looked down at you're phone, contemplating weather or not you should call Josh and try to talk to him.

~I know you're not ready to give up, but you gave them all you got and that's enough~song

You shut you're phone off before getting out of you're car, closing the door, and walking further into the parking lot. You sat down letting youreslef get soaked in the rain. It was a way to comfort you'reself when you were alone. As you sat there and let tears run down you're face, you started to sing.

"So if they wanna leave, then shake they're hand and let them go. It's ganna be hard to, but if they loved you, darling you'd know."-Y/n. You sang as you cried.(sorry this is really dramatic-a/n)

(Drew's pov)

I was walking through Walmart buying groceries while they're isn't a bunch of people. Yes I enjoy seeing fan's, but sometimes I need a break. "Hey, we're ganna be closing soon, I suggest you start checking out."-man.
I nodded before grabbing one last thing, then heading to the checkout.

I get up to the check out, self check outs weren't open. "Did you find everything ok Drew?"-older women. The older women has seen me here almost every week, shes like a granmother.(sorry, you can pick the name-a/n)

"Yes."-Drew. I said with a smile. "What are you doing out so late? Work?"-older lady. "No, it's just more relaxing when they're aren't as many poeple."-Drew. "That's understandable. So have you found anyone?"-Older women. "No."-Drew. I said shaking my head.

I talked to her for a bit, before paying and grabbing my stuff, saying goodbye. I walked out of the door with two grocerie bags, it was pouring rain. "Great."-Drew. And of course I parked far away from the entrance.
I started to speed walk to my truck. I got to the truck and put the bags in the back, when I closes the door I heard a voice?

I look around and see a girl about my age, sitting on the ground. That's when I heard sining.
"So if they wanna leave, then shake they're hand and let them go. It's ganna be hard to, But if they loved you darling you'd know."-girl.

She sang, as her voice sounded shaky, as though she had been crying. She had turned her head Just enough for me to see her face(you didn't notice he was there) and in fact there were tears going down her face. I wanted to go up to her and ask if she was ok, but I stopped when I heard her singing again.

"So stop begging them to stay, they're not the one, and that's ok. If they wanna leave, then you gotta believe that you're better alone. So stop begging them to stay, they're not the one, and that's ok..."-Y/n.
I listened to the lyrics she was sining, she sounded so broken. Why did this bother me so much?

I walked closer, ignoring how soaked I was getting, before yelling out to her. "Miss!? Are you ok!?"-Drew

Part 2?
I hope you all have had a great day! Sorry for spelling mistakes and misplaced words! Happy late Thanksgiving! I hope you all are enjoying these. I know they're a bit sad, but I want to try and help a little bit for people who actually deal with these things. You are all so important and I'm very proud of you! You're all beutiful!<3

 You are all so important and I'm very proud of you! You're all beutiful!<3

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