If they wanna leave pt2|Drew Starkey

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TW:Mentions of breakup, crying, talking about the past, blood, toxic ex?
Part 2 of If they wanna leave, if you haven't read the first one
I suggest to read it before this one,
it'll make a little more sence :)
Sorry for any spelling mistakes
And misplaced words.
This isn't the best do sorry in edvance.
Also keep in mind Drew starkey is 6'2, trust me it'll make sence.

I walked closer, ignoring how soaked I was getting, before yelling out to her. "Miss!? Are you ok!?"-Drew

She looked over in my direction, shocked that anyone was here. I got up to her and saw her eyes were red, and she was soaked. 'How long has she been out here?' "I-um sorry I didn't- I didn't know anyone was here."-girl. She started to stand up but I stopped her. "Here let me help you."-Drew. I said as I held out my hand to hers, pulling her up.

"Are you ok?"-Drew. I said after she got up. "Yeah, sorry i-"-girl. "It's ok, you don't need to apologize."-Drew. I said cutting her off. "I um, I better get going. Thank you."-girl. "Uh yeah, no problem."-Drew. I watched as she walked off, ignoring how drenched I was. I walked back to my truck, and got in.

I sat there for few minutes looking outside. As I was looking out the window I saw the girl trying to start her car. Did it break down?

{Y/n's Pov}

I got in my car, sitting in shock of what just happened. 'How long was he there for?' Its been awhile sence someone cared like that.... I shook my head trying to silence the thoughts running through my mind. I grabbed my key then started the car. As I was about to back out of the parking spot, I heard a clicking noise and a low grumbling sound, before the car completely stopped.

"You've got to be kidding me."-Y/n. I mumbled to myself, before getting out of the car. I walked to the front of the car and saw smoke comming from the hood. I chuckled in annoyance throwing my head back. I couldn't open the hood because it was raining, meaning I can't try and fix this.

Which also means, I can't get home. Why does life love drama? I was about to get back in my car, when a truck pulled up in the parking spot next to me. 'Great, now I'm ganna get kidnapped.' The window rolled down, I was rushing to get in my car, when "Hey uh, is everything alright?"-man.

I turned to see the same man from before. "Yeah, everything's fine."-y/n.
I said trying to convince him. It definitely didn't work. "Do you need a ride?"-man. I looked around nervously, I don't know him. "I-um I just realized this- it's not um, I just want to help. If you have someone you can call, or you can use my phone if you need. Um"-man. He stumbled over his own words.

He scratched the back of his neck nervously, not knowing what to say.
Truth was you didn't have anyone to call. Why did you feel so comfortable around him? "I don't want to bother you."-Y/n. "It's no trouble, if you're comfortable with it um, you could tell me the directions, and I'll take you home."-Man

"Are you sure?"-Y/n. "Yeah."-man. He said as he nodded. You hesitated, before walking closer to his truck, opening the passenger door then getting in. You buckled youre seat belt, and just for safety, made sure you had 911 ready to call. He then pulled out of the parking space and stoped right at the exit. "Which way?"-man. "Left."-y/n.

It was silent for a bit, neither of you knew what to say. You felt bad because not only was it almost 1am, but he's driving you home, and you're getting his truck all wet. "Uh I'm Drew by the way."-Drew. He said looking over at you before looking back at the road. "I'm Y/n."-y/n.

The car slowed down a bit and you realized there was another turn. Drew looked at you, in a way of asking which way to go. "Right."-Y/n.
"So y/n, um if it's ok to ask, what were you doing in the parking lot? I'm only asking couse it looked like you were crying..."-Drew.

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