Love|JJ Maybank

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TW: Scars, blood, mentions of abuse.
Btw you guys are dating

A loud thud on you're window made you jump from you're desk in you're room. You got up from you're chair and opened you're window looking down toward the ground.

"JJ!?" You wisper shouted. 'What was he doing in figure eight? He hates it here'

"What are you doing? If my parents see you here -"

"Can I please come in..." he said in more of an urgent tone. "...yeah....yeah i- one second."

You close you're window and quickly, but quietly, you run down the stairs and to the front door. Before opening the door, you make sure to check you're surroundings, and once you knew it was clear, you unlocked the door and opened it.

"Hurry, get in." You grabbed JJ's arm and closed the front door. "Y/n-"

"We need to get upstairs before my parents wake up." You said beginning to take JJ upstairs.

Once you got to you're room you quietly closed you're door, before turning around to face JJ.

"What's.....oh my." A bruise covered JJ's eye, a cut above his eyebrow with dried blood dripping down. You walked up to him, cupping his face in you're hands. "Y/ fine, ok?" You then looked into his eyes, seeing tears start to form.

You then tightly hugged him, making him break down as he wrapped his arms loosely around you're waist.

"I-im so tired of it..." he cried into you're shoulder. "I know, baby....I know." You said hugging him tighter.

"W-what'd I do w-wrong?" You're heart broke as you heard him cry. "Look at me." You said, holding his face in both of You're hands, making him look into you're eyes.

"Don't you ever. Ever. Think you did anything to deserve this." You wiped away his tears. "You have done nothing wrong."

You then pulled him back into a hug, letting him cry.


After he calmed down, you pulled away from the hug. "We need to get the cuts cleaned. Im going to grab the first aid kit, go ahead, and sit on my bed, ok?" He nodded in response, sitting down at the end of you're bed.

You came back in the room with the first aid kit along with a cold wet wash cloth.

You opened the first aid kit, grabbing the rubbing alcohol. "This might sting." You said as you poured a little bit of the liquid on a cotton pad.

JJ lifted his head up and put his hands on you're hips. "Alright, I'm going to start cleaning you're cuts now." You then started to clean the cuts one by one. Each time it stung, JJ pulled at the ends of you're shirt, scrunched up his face.

Once all the cuts were cleaned, you put bandaid on them.

"Thank you." JJ said, looking up at you. "You don't have to thank me." He then puckered his lips, to which you leaned down and gave him a kiss before you put everything away.

After everything was put away, you and JJ layed in bed. You had him on top of you, hugging you're waist as his head laid on you're stomach.


"Yeah?" You said as you played with hid hair. "I love you." He said as he was falling asleep.

You smiled and blushed. "I love you too."

It's been a little bit, hasn't it? Well, I know this is really short, but I hope you enjoyed it! Remember you are loved and cared about. You're all so important and kind, I'm so proud of you! You are all so beautiful NEVER let ANYONE say or make you feel like you aren't<333(sorry for spelling mistakes and misplaced words)

 You're all so important and kind, I'm so proud of you! You are all so beautiful NEVER let ANYONE say or make you feel like you aren't<333(sorry for spelling mistakes and misplaced words)

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