Maybe you'd be happier pt 2|John B+JJ

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TW: guns, yelling, threats.

The sun was setting on Outer Banks as you walked 'home'. Dried tears lingered on you're face, eyes burning from how much you cried.

As you walked down the side of the road, a pair of headlights shined behind you. 'Keep walking, keep walking, keep walking' you repeated over and over in you're head. The car kept getting closer and slower until it was right next to you.

"If I was you, I'd stop walking ri-now."
You're heart beat picked up, and you froze in place at the familiar voice next to you. You heard the car door open and close, then footsteps getting closer to you.

You felt something metal being pressed against you're head, then you heard a click. "I think you know what this is, Don you princes?" Barry said in a wisper. "W-what do you want?" You tried to stop you're voice from shaking, but you couldn't help it.

"I think you know what I want." He said, getting angrier by the second. You shook you're head no, this only made his grip on you're arm tighter. "Oh? So you don't know about you're little Pogue friend's steeling 25k outa my house?" He chuckled a bit. "I want my money back. And you're ganna give it to me." He said in a darker tone.

"I-i don't know what you're talking about, ok? Just let me g-go and I'll talk to them-" "You're walkin' on thin ice ri-now y/n." He cut you off. "I'm ganna give you till tomorrow to get my money, and if you don't, I don't care what I have to do to get it myself. You better hope you're little Pogue friends ain't around." He said before he let go of you're arm, and walked back to his truck, leaving.

'This can't be happening'


I'm back!! It's been a while, hasn't it? I know this is a VERY short chapter, buuutttt, I wanted to leave you guys on a cliff hanger so...😅 I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Plz recommend ANY ideas you have(besides 18+ things) remember I'm so proud of all you, you're important, you are loved, and you're an awesome person! You are all beutiful!!<333

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