PART THREE: Stalking Violet. Chapter 4 (part 4)

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. . . back to "our" bath.

Closing my eyes, I went back to Dreamtime . . . back to The Wood, to the cool river, to the feelings and light within black water. And, in the midst, I felt the waters moving, reaching through old flesh and bone, soothing Alaya's still forming body, and I felt a lifetime of fatigue releasing from my old body. In the tub, mentally I was immersed in the cool river, my thoughts flowing freely with the current; yet physically (physically?) I felt Alaya's new body and Old Dorothy's aged body being caressed by the water differently. This gave rise to a mix of feelings that I wanted if not needed to feel. Especially Dorothy's. For Dorothy's feelings, not to mention all of her life-experiences and all of her memories, would always be a part of me. I wanted and needed to feel everything stored in my old body.

Being awake/aware in dreams, had led me to experiencing years of Old Dorothy's memory; in often an instant, I realized. I'd already been through an updated somewhat restructured version of many of her feelings and memories. Quickened, you might say. And yet, here in the cool river, there was still a distinct and individual consciousness coming from Dorothy's body, which seemed to meet with Alaya's dreamtime body. We were one mind, one heart and one spirit . . . but the fact that my old body still had its feeling capacity intact, a capacity that was interacting with Alaya (significant if not extraordinary), this brought two feeling worlds together, and there was communication taking place.

Relaxed in the cool tub-waters, gazing deep into the black waters (—here in mind's-eye), I felt this presence  which I knew to be me; and a feeling (an e/motion, an energy-in-motion) rose from the old body and joined in with that presence. I felt undying love . . . and I felt honor and enormous gratitude toward the old body for serving me—for carrying me as far as it had. And, although she was changing, becoming a new and different vibration within me, I realized deeply just how much Old Dorothy was still a part of who I was becoming (no kidding, right?) (—Alaya, right?), memories good and bad included.

My dreamtime-body, still new but growing, in the moment, felt like an embryonic glow within Doe's old body—a glow rising in strength, potent and persuasive, powerful and prevalent and quickly ablaze now as love as pure light began to pour from my new and growing body into the blood and flesh and muscles and bone, quickening every part of the old me. I, Alaya (I, the Soul), felt oneness with the old body, as we merged our energies deep within black water; and with eyes closed I could see it becoming younger. I could see the grey cells of Dorothy's old body, one by one, re-energizing in the pure light that arose from their core. I could see the grey cells revivifying (as the old body grew younger), less dense, and "glowing" clear-light!

"You've surprised us again, Sunshine!" I quick opened my eyes. He's back! Who's surprising who here? "See what love can do?" Master J' said. He stood there, his old grinning self, his back against the door, arms crossed. I could hear him clearly, but his lips weren't moving. "Even we—specifically The Lady and I—cannot be certain of love's outcome: the entirety of its effects. Clearly we know of love's potential, but love comes from beyond us, too! And it makes its own perfect rules as it goes."

Makes perfect sense to me, I thought, but said, "You're not going to take off on me this time, are you?" I whispered.

"No," he said firmly. "That will never happen again. Not the way it did. Ever." He stared at me long and hard . . . and I felt through his eyes the weirdest (but wondrous) impression that I had manifested him earlier (when he'd appeared out my toes at the foot of my bed!), because he'd been strong on my mind then; but I hadn't strength enough to maintain him then, nor his reality.

"So, you weren't really here, then?" I asked. A towel flew from the bar and wrapped itself round my shoulders.

"Oh!" he said, usual grin: "I was definitely here then. But not quite like I am now. You see, earlier I was somewhere else as well. You called me, then. I responded . . . by degree."

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