PART FOUR: Force and Form. Chapter 1 (part 7)

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The last lens frantic (magnification one)—its swimming motion upgraded, its light spiraling within and through itself, back toward the Orb gone dark (black hole-like)—sucked back, unlooming now, smaller, smaller, within the dark world, receding into the Dark Star/Planet/Orb, going, going, till only a flicker remained—till only a flicker remained. I felt a lump in my throat.

The flicker pulsated. A strange beacon. Red rings spread out from the flicker. Radar. The stars beyond and round the orb turned to red rain. The red rain fell from the . . . sky. My face flushed. The flicker throbbed. The red rings wobbled. The black-hole orb distorted—breathe!!!

I did . . . and, the red rained stopped. The rings drew back. The pulsating flicker calmed, then winked out altogether. (?!) Gone into The Invisible. Gone. (Gone!) Absolute silence and absolute Black Hole now became the moment. My out-of-body body started trembling. Spirit, so powerfully through me. I was shaking uncontrollably. 

Absolute silence. Absolute Black Hole. Then Deep Memory (a............... moment), and a massive, soundless implosion burst brightly a gazillion fragments roundabout the detonation. No more Black Hole. No more White Hole. A sea of fiery newborn stars, strewn out upon The Face of Deep, began slowly to drift away. A scorching wind, and (. . . dear God: Inner space, Outer space—is there really any difference once you flee the 3rd dimension?) a shrill shrill screaming! Death to my ears! Sorrow through The Deep! Sorrow through the core of my being!—resonant and echoing!—a mournful cry, of unknowing! Of why? WHY?! All the while, the beauty of the Starburst, of some new birthing, was inspiring. Awe-inspiring! If not mind-blowing! Shaking in my boots, I watched and felt, as one incredible (magnificent!) Deep Memory came alive, igniting into further-growth upon the deeper darkness of unknown space...............the gazillion stars afire drifting off—headed for their new world. And I felt the sweetest of urges to follow. (Sweet, sweet sorrow.)

Deep Memory linked the sensed but UNSEEN within my consciousness to the fragments afire in space, and I wondered about this vision/memory seen on-screen and ALIVE not just here and now but, according to Master J', in my Ancient Past as well. (Really?) Had I experienced this vision Long Ago? Been a participant within the very vision? Or something similar? Wyl and I together? Then?—as one force seeking form? Master J' had basically said so. But I'd had questions formulating then (then, when he'd said so), questions which were fully formed questions now. One: The Invisible. Did The Invisible—long, Long Ago—come visible? Bursting into being? Two: Deep Memory. What does Deep Memory want with us now . . . and is It still alive and well? And three: Wyl. Where did he go? Where in Hell's my Wyllen now?! Umm, I take that curse word back. I do! Still, however, he IS wrapped up in some form of Hell! Isn't he? Of course he is! And I just want him back. Where he is? 

(Dear God: is sorrow the new blood in this realm?

(I don't get sorrow. But I will. Oh, I will. I DO get, however, that sorrow is powerful . . . I could've told you that years ago! Ever felt sorrow for no reason? Woke up in the middle of the night and felt inexplicable sorrow? Well, I have. And if you have, well, then you've likely got Deep Memory too. Knocking at your door.

(And the "implosion" thing? No real problem there. I get that, because on a grand scale, or even on a small scale, there has to be involution before evolution [you know?]—inward movement, preparation and formation on one plane-of-existence before outward manifestation [or creation, or co-creation] can come into being on another plane. But sorrow? Powerful—yes. (Very.) And—like Lady El said—think of it as a portal? Okay. Sure. But it isn't sweet, is it? Sweet, sweet sorrow? 

(The Masters kept sorrow—so they said. But they're not telling us everything. Like where they keep it! Clues—yes, but they barely give enough clues to form the equation. I must be missing one. Maybe Wyl has it. Where is he? [No clue.] I don't know. But I had no time left to dwell on these things. No Time was up—if indeed that's what this is.))))

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