Finding out your birthday

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A/N: I know a couple of people who have reservations when it comes to telling people their birthday, usually because they don't feel like it should be celebrated (me slightly being one of them), so this is the girls trying to find out when your birthday is if you initially refused to tell them.


Kokona decided to use the process of elimination.

She would ask you questions like what your zodiac sign is, your Chinese zodiac, your birthstone, birth flower, etc. all on different occasions as to not raise suspicion. Eventually she'll have narrowed it down enough to make an educated guess and when she decided to surprise you with a cake on the day she thought would be your birthday, your initial reaction was shock. Her guess was not far off.


"Happy birthday, (Y/N)!"


"It's your birthday today, right? I made a cake just for you to celebrate!"

You remained silent, eyes wide as you continued staring at her and with the way she sheepishly placed the cake down on the table and played with the hem of her sweater, you could tell she understood your unspoken question.

"I decided to guess when your birthday is based on the answers you gave me when asked birth related questions, so..."

She trailed off nervously. Now that she thought about it, she wasn't actually sure if you would've appreciated what she's done.

After what felt like an eternity of waiting, she heard you chuckle,

"It's tomorrow."


"My birthday is tomorrow, but thank you."


Saki, much like her friend Kokona, decided to ask you questions. Her questions were a bit confusing for you though since you had no clue why she was so adamant about learning about your parents.

"Hey, (Y/N)? When's your mom's birthday?"

"Love, when's your dad's birthday?"

"Do your parents celebrate Valentine's?"

"What's your parents' favorite holiday?"

"Do your parents like the summer or the winter more?"

It all made sense though when she eventually gave up being subtle and just decided to ask you straight up.


"When did your parents have sex?"


"I wanna know when your birthday is and you weren't gonna tell me!"

You told her. You had to. It was better than getting bombarded with more questions about your parents' sex life which is not something you want to be thinking about.


Pippi often found herself looking through your gaming accounts either by looking you up or borrowing your phone/log in info if the game only allowed the owner to view such information. Mainly she would do this on games that she knew would ask you to bind your birthday, but when she found out you had just been using random dates for them, she stopped.

She then turned to your socials. Facebook, IG, Snapchat, whatever, but after finding out that you were once again lying about them, she turned to the next best thing.

Asking you so many random questions at once that you accidentally slip and tell her your birthday out of confusion.


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