Knowing More

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You and Kokona ended up in the same class together, which made you relieved to have a familliar face there, you were a bit (or really) anti-social even though all the students seem friendly.

At lunch, you two decided to eat together and talk about random things, but at one point, she grew quiet.

When you asked her what was wrong, she looked at you straight it the eye and asked if you can keep a secret, in which you nodded, she then told you what was happening with her dad and what she was doing to help him, and you couldn't help but feel sorry for her, you wanted to help but what could you do? So instead, you just gave her a hug and told her everything was going to be okay.

I guess it's true what they say, friendy faces hide something beneath.


After class, the girl who owned the bra grabbed your arm and pulled you over to the bathroom, giving you no option but to follow.

Once you arrived, she checked if anyone was in there, when she saw no one, her attention was back on you, eyeing you carefully as your mind raced.

She walked towards you, now blushing,

"A-about... Earlier..."

She muttered, avoiding eye contact, just when she was about to speak, you cut her off,

"Umm... Can we maybe like... Not talk about it..? I mean, I'm sure that whatever reason you have is pretty personal, so I'll just drop it... So... Could we perhaps just... Have a do over?"

You asked and she only looked at you with slightly wide eyes as she nodded, it was your turn to grab her arm and lead her to the courtyard, but unlike her, you didn't run and took your time.

As you two were making your way there, you started asking her about the things she liked and of course, for her name, mostly just to change the subject and to prevent any awkward silences, and to your surprise, you succeeded and she gladly told you all about her.

Phew... Talking about a bra isn't your cup of tea...


You and Pippi sat there in the computer lab and started talking once you were done playing a beat map (Osu!)

You mostly talked about video games, because

1. You're a gamer and loved video games.

2. You haven't really met anyone who's as enthusiastic as you when it comes to games.

And 3. You had no idea what else to talk about.

You and Pippi shared the same opinions, loved the same games, and surprisingly, even shipped the same ships.

You were starting to wonder if she was your lost twin or something O-o


During class she had been staring at you, and you could tell, because she was sitting beside you and your peripheral vision is the best, so there's really no point in denying it, but why was she doing that exactly?

After class, you decided to check out some of the clubs, but before you could leave, Osana came over and tapped you on the shoulder, then crossed her arms as you turned to face her.

"L-look, I just wanted to say that... I-I'm sorry..."

You raised a brow, a bit shocked she even knew how to apologize, you were going to reply but she cut you off,

"D-don't get the wrong idea! I-it's not like I felt bad or anything! Baka!"

You sighed inwardly, crossing your own arms,

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