Characters and Explanation ->-

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Alright, first of all, this is my first book (that should be painfully obvious) so bear with me -_-

This is only for girls so... Yeah, sorry boys. Anyways, here are the characters I'll be using

◈Kokona Haruka

◈Saki Miyu

◈Pippi Osu (we seriously need more "x Reader" stories of her -3-)

◈Osana Najimi

◈Musume Ronshaku (Actually didn't want her to be here, but I thought it would be fun... Right?)

◈Info-chan (I'll try to make her not-so menacing =~=)

And that's it for the characters, I'm not adding Oka because she's MINE! Nah, jk, jk, she'll be in here, just did that to piss a certain user off ;P

You might notice that I have no permanent writing style, so yeah...

Also, apologies in advance if they seem a bit OoC XP

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