Sleepless (Osana)

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You can't sleep. You've been laying here for an hour, tossing and turning as much as you could without waking your girlfriend, trying to fall asleep, but despite your heavy eye lids, you couldn't cease the rush of seemingly random thoughts going through your mind.

After 15 more minutes of fruitless efforts in getting some shut eye, you sighed, figuring that you might as well do something useful with your time. You had a couple of unfinished homework on your desk, normally you wouldn't do schoolwork on a friday night, but it would be better than just doing nothing and who knows, maybe you'll be able to bore or tire yourself out in the process.

Slowly making your way out of bed, you quietly walked over to your desk, grabbing your notebook and everything else you needed, and left your room. You didn't want to wake Osana up by turning on your lamp or scribbling too loudly or sighing when you come across a problem you can't solve right away, so you decided to set up in the living room, making yourself comfortable on the couch and hunching slightly to work on the coffee table in front of you.

Seconds turned to minutes and after about half an hour you find yourself done, setting your pen aside and closing the notebook. Your back cracked like a glowstick once you had gotten up to stretch, sighing in pleasure at the release of tension. The pleasure was short lived however when you now find yourself staring at the empty living room, still very much awake.

You fell back into the couch with a groan, cursing under your breath when you realized how loud that must have been. You hurried back to your room with hushed steps and cracked open your door to check on Osana, thankfully she was still asleep. Part of you wanted to join her, but another part knew you would just be back to laying there awake until dawn, so gently closing the door, you went on to do more things you could busy yourself with.


You're back on the couch. It's been two hours since you left the bed. Your homework is done. The soaking dishes are washed. The clean laundy has long since been folded. You're still not tired.

Your eyes are closed as you lean back, just relishing in the silence. If you couldn't sleep, you might as well just rest your body, you thought.

Your soul damn near left you when you felt arms wrap around your shoulders from behind, ready to fight back before Osana's voice got you to cease whatever assault you were thinking of doing. Her head lazily buried into your neck as she spoke.

"You can be an idiot at times, but I don't remember kicking you out of the room. Why are you sleeping on the couch?"

You sigh and lean against her touch, not realizing how much you had missed her warmth.

"I couldn't sleep and I didn't want to wake you."

She hums and slowly releases you, though she seemed to be just as reluctant as you are at the loss of contact.

"While I appreciate that, you have to think of yourself too, dummy. Wait here."

You didn't have time to reply before she disappeared into the kitchen, the ends of her orange hair the only thing you caught a glimpse of. You relax back in your seat, staring at the ceiling or whatever else your eyes decided to focus on as you listen at the various sounds coming from the kitchen. Was she cooking something?

After a couple of minutes she reemerges holding two mugs and you had to stiffle a small laugh. One of the mugs had a drawing of a bacon and the words "Don't go BACON my heart" on it. The other one had the drawing of a sunny side up egg and the words "I couldn't if I FRIED"

You recall buying and giving them to her as a joke, and despite the many times she's said she was going to throw them away or break them, they're still very much intact and getting used almost everyday.


Osana hands you the bacon mug and takes a seat next to you. You hold it close, careful not to spill anything, and look at what she's made.

"Hot milk?"

"It's not just hot milk, it has cinnamon and vanilla amongst other things. Try it."

Blowing on the beverage in an attempt to cool it down, you took a sip and instantly felt warmth and comfort wash over you. It tasted like a hug in a cup. Your shoulders slump as you drink even more, not even caring at the slight numbness your tongue is accumulating.

Seeing your reaction, Osana takes a sip from her own mug, a pleased smile on her face.

"My mom used to make this for me when I couldn't sleep as a kid. I remember she would also make some for Taro whenever he slept over. He's never stopped asking for the recipe since."

She laughed, and with your face obscured by the mug and steam, she couldn't see the frown you developed at the mention of Senpai. You know you had nothing to be jealous of, and you really shouldn't be, she was just reminiscing a fond childhood memory and Taro would of course be in it, they're friends after all. But you couldn't stop the slight bitterness in your mouth despite the deliciously sweet drink you were indulging in.

Thankfully you didn't have to dwell on it for too long, feeling Osana lean her head against your shoulder.

"If you're ever having trouble sleeping again, just wake me up and I'll make this for you."

You shake your head as much as you're able,

"I don't want to take sleep away from you too."

Rolling her eyes she pulls away from you, bonking you on the head.

"Idiot, I'd rather stay up with you than be left alone in bed. And besides, if it means getting to have moments like these with you, then... I don't really mind."

Your eyes widen at her words. She was being so... Honest. For the first time since you had met her, she was saying her feelings without being a tsunde-

"W-what's that look for? If you want to suffer in silence then fine, I don't mind that either."

You knew it.

You couldn't help but laugh before setting your drink down and wrapping your arms around her, making sure you didn't knock the mug in her hands. You buried your nose in her hair, the scent of her floral shampoo mixing in nicely with the vanilla in the air.

"No, no... If you're really okay with it then... Thank you, I'll take you up on that."

After finishing up and laying back in bed, you find yourself finally dozing off for the night, the warmth in your heart and the sound of Osana's own lulling you to sleep.


As promised, compensation for Osana, pls forgib ówò

Anyways I am so very gay for Bela Dimitrescu, just thought y'all should know

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