When you get back together

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Continuation of the "Break Up" one.


Once again you saw her out on the streets. She looked even worse than before and you could no longer ignore the guilt bubbling up inside of you. Swiftly walking up to her, you took your jacket off and wore it over her shoulders.

"Come on."

Grabbing her hand, you dragged her all the way to your house, ignoring the way she was struggling, as well as the looks and whispers you got from the people you walked by. You just wanted this to be over.

Finally reaching your front door, you threw it open and pulled her in, only letting go of her hand once you've shut and locked the door again in case she tried to leave.

"What the hell, why did you bring me here?! You want me to put on a little show for you?! Well, you're gonna have to pay fo–"

She stopped mid-sentence once she felt your arms around her in a warm embrace.

"Pay for what? Rent? Groceries? Everything we need for school? I will. I'll pay. Just please... Stop doing this to yourself..."

The air was still for a moment but then you felt her tremble and she couldn't stop the tears from falling. With shaking arms, she returned the embrace, allowing herself to melt in your warmth as she cried into your shoulder, muffled apologies repeating over and over.

You have long since forgiven her.


Spotting Saki entering the bathroom, you managed to sneak past her friends and followed her in.


You briefly saw her shoulders tense before she rushed to the nearest stall. She was about to close it, but you managed to squeeze yourself in before she could.

"What are you doing?!"

She tried pushing past you, but you were quick to close and lock the door.

"Please, Saki, listen to me."

"What else do you even have to say? I've already heard enough."

She moved again, but you held her in place.

"No, please, I'm sorry. Saki, liste-"

She scoffed.

"If you really wanted to say sorry, you would've done so sooner. You wouldn't wait this long."

"I couldn't get to you. I wanted to apologize the day after I yelled at you, but you were ignoring my calls and your friends were preventing me from doing so."

She blinked at you for a second. While it's true she hadn't been answering you, she somewhat found it hard to believe any of her friends would do that.

"I didn't know how to talk to you, but now I have the chance. Saki, I'm so sorry for what I said, I was stressed, I wasn't thinking, I shouldn't have poured my frustration onto you. It wasn't fair and I didn't mean anything I said that day, I'm so sorr-"

You were cut off by a pair of lips you knew all too well. The kiss ended as quickly as it came though.

"I forgive you... And I'm sorry as well."

She said, but you knew she had nothing to apologize for.


Having lunch alone at the rooftop became a regular thing for you, finding you quite enjoyed the alone time and the cool breeze that swept by from time to time. You were about to take another bite from your food when your phone buzzed and upon checking the caller ID you nearly choked.

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