When you break up

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Again, just like the "When you die" one, this is completely hypothetical.


You two had broken up due to the fact that she went back to compensated dating, without your permission. Or even your knowledge.

She said she just wanted to help out financially, and knowing you, you would never let her go back to that "job," but even if she meant well, the distrust still hurt you, and the thought that her mind had never crossed finding a better, much more decent job, hurt you even more, so you broke up with her.

After a week since your break up, you noticed she stopped going to school, even her friends had no more contact of her. You then started hearing gossips, students claiming they've seen her on the streets, late at night, wearing sultry dresses, and talking to old men.

You didn't want to believe them, but unfortunately, they were right.

You came across her, one night. She was leaning against a lamp post, wearing a rather short and revealing dress, her hair was dull and messy, hickeys were scattered around her body, and you even noticed how her knees were subtly shaking. You felt guilt throughout your body, and you really did feel sorry for her.

But she wasn't your problem anymore.


You were fully aware of how hyper-energetic (and annoying), your girlfriend can be, and you were more than okay with it, but there were times when she went overboard.

You were starting to stress yourself out with all the work you had to do, homework you had to finish, tests you had to study for, and as well as finding your will to live while in highschool, and Saki just wanted to help you out.

Though, with her childish attitude, and your temper shortening by the minute, you found yourself finally snapping, and yelled at her of how immature she was. You continued your rant, pouring out your frustration onto the poor girl, whose heart seemed to visibly break after hearing you blurt out "I SHOULD NEVER HAVE ACCEPTED YOUR CONFESSION!"

She ran home in tears that day.

A few days later, after utterly regretting what you've done, you wanted to talk to her, to apologize, to ask for another chance, but you didn't really have a clue on how to do that, especially when her friends had started to get hostile towards you, apparently being a lot more overprotective than you thought.

You wanted to take it all back, but it's too late for that now.


You two never had an official break up, as far as you know. She just started to become more and more distant each day, up until the point she stopped returning your calls, and even flat-out ignore you while you were standing in front of her in broad daylight.

You were confused, but found your answer a month later, when Midori told you about how Pippi and Ryuto had started dating. You were crushed, but you accepted it in yourself that she didn't love you anymore.

In fact, did she really love you in the first place?


You didn't really find anything wrong with your relationship with the orange haired tsundere, in fact, you were quite happy with her, but one minor set back, caught you off guard.

She had told you to meet her, under the same tree she confessed to you at. You were expecting something pleasant, but was met with the opposite.

After you arrived, she wasted no time in bluntly telling you that she wanted to break up, her reason is that she found out Senpai did in fact, have feelings for her, and that she low-key was still in love with him.

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