How she sleeps

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You should've seen it coming ever since she first hugged you, but nope, you didn't, so now, everytime you went to sleep, you would often wake up in the middle of the night just because you couldn't breathe and find the reason pressed against your face...

Her two giant chest coconuts...

You haven't really said anything about it, but I guess it was because you low-key liked it, you pervert.


Drool E-V-E-R-Y-W-H-E-R-E

At first you didn't notice, but as time passed, it became clearer than day.

You didn't really mind the fact that people drooled in their sleep, in all honesty, you did it aswell from time to time, but for Saki, it's a whole different story.

She would literally drool on anything she rests her head on when she's sleeping, whether it was a pillow, a stuffed animal, her own arm, and even your shoulder when she snuggled up to you.

You were a bit bothered at first, but you just shrugged it off, especially when she offered to wash anything you owned that she drooled on.


Hardly Sleeps in Bed

Sometimes you'd wake up only to be greeted by a Pippi Osu sleeping on the computer's keyboard or on the floor with the video game controller still in her hand.

And on the rare occasion when she does sleep in bed, she usally falls off and doesn't bother to climb back up.

Handcuffing her to the bed post once crossed your mind, but you thought she might take that the wrong way...


Death By Hair

Having a girlfriend with long hair had it's ups and downs.

The up? You get to admire how beautiful it swayed in the breeze, how it glistens in the sunset, and how wonderful it smelled, especially after being washed.

The down? Well, if you admired it during the day, you sure as hell didn't at night.

Reason? Well, there's the fact that not only is it everywhere, but it also manages to wrap itself around you, or more specifically, your neck, sometimes you wonder if Osana's doing it on purpose, but that couldn't be the case.

You had talked to Osana about it, but she refused to tie it up during the night, her excuse being her hair needed to breathe, so you just beared with it, but sometimes you can't help but want to shave her head completely clean.


Get Your Own Bed

Let's be honest, Musume still gets on your nerves from time to time, but you already accepted that, what sets you off edge though, was how she was at night.

She would often complain about the matress being too uncomfortable, the pillows being too hard and the blanket either being too thin or too thick, but it doesn't begin there, once she does actually get to sleep, she starts... "Sleep kicking.."

She would randomly start kicking so forcefully that anything she kicked would be sent flying to the floor, including you.

You didn't really know what to do, but you decided that not bothering to sleep in bed with her and just sleep on the floor, is better than to one day wake up on a hospital bed because of a broken rib cage.



She would always be so stiff in bed, especially when you try to hold her, so you try your best not to, but even so, the position you see her in when you wake up, is always the same position you saw her in before passing out, sometimes you question if she even moves at all.


Cute Sleeper

Oka is........ Well, just too adorable for you.

She would curl up and snuggle to your side, resting her head either on your shoulder or chest, then she would just fall asleep, unknowingly wrapping her arm around you, which, of course, you found extremely adorable.

Sometimes, you would stay up just to admire her cuteness even more, watching as she takes slow breaths and subconciously smile because of a pleasant dream.

It takes you A LOT of will power to control yourself from glomping her in her sleep.

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