When you get anxious

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A/N: Just a quick chapter to keep myself sane. Been dealing with very bad anxiety since the start of this year and the fact that my mom's sick is adding to it. I've been restless and I'm not sure when I'll get over this. If I get over this. Didn't proofread, sorry for mistakes.


She started keeping a closer eye on you after you had a breakdown when your thoughts became too much. Kokona would always stay by your side to remind you that you'll always have her and that things aren't going to be as bad as it seems. She grounds you by holding your hand, talking to you, and making sure you don't neglect your own needs. She also makes sure to ease your hyperactive mind at night by singing or talking to you to ensure you get some sleep.


One method of calming your thoughts is talking to people, it helps keep your mind off things, and when Saki heard it helps, she wouldn't stop talking to you. She would talk to you about anything and everything and tell you all kinds of stories, and while some people might become annoyed by this, you actually found it very helpful. Saki's voice had become something you woke up to and fell asleep to, and it became a reminder that she will never tire of keeping you company.


If it's a distraction you want then it's a distraction you'll get. Pippi will do everything she can to make sure you don't stew in your own thoughts for too long or at all for that matter. Whether you wanna play something with her or just simply talk, she's always down and will take care not to overwhelm you. If you happen to not be together, she'll be on call with you for as long as you need and will sometimes even stream a game of your choice.


Osana immediately drops what she's doing to come and help you, especially when it gets really bad. She tells you how to breathe and makes sure to carefully talk you through your breakdowns. If you tell her your anxiety is partially caused by being cooped up in your home or by the monotony of everyday life, she'll go on walks with you in the morning and schedule at least one road trip every month for a change of pace.


She understands you need someone to talk to, someone who can help you sort your feelings out and while she does genuinely try to help you, there's no denying that she isn't that great when it comes to dealing with emotions, so instead she gets you the best therapist Japan can offer. She personally escorts you to your appointments and waits outside until your session is done, making sure to listen to your stories of how everything went.


Things were awkward at first as she doesn't know how to approach the situation. It seemed like for once in her life she doesn't have everything figured out. Of course she got you a therapist through her connections, but still she tried for you, knowing full well you needed her support during this time. She researched ways on how to help you, compiling them and taking note on what works for you and what doesn't.


As someone who deals with anxieties of her own, she's developed ways to help calm herself which she willingly shares with you, though some of them might be a bit too unorthodox, you're still thankful nonetheless. Aside from that, she also sets aside a day in the week where the occult club spends club hours sitting around, talking about their feelings instead of the usual summonings.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2023 ⏰

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