When she has a nightmare

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She would always cry in her sleep when this happened and you had to wake her up.

When you do, she would immediately cling onto you and sob in your chest.


She very rarely has nightmares, but when she does, you'd instantly know.

She'd shot up from bed and let out a blood curdling scream that would make you think some kind of catastrophe just occured.

You have to comfort her until she calms down, then she would go back to sleep as if nothing happened.


She's the kind of person who's actually happy because she had a nightmare.

She would always tell you about it and how cool it would be if it got turned into a video game.


Whenever she had a nightmare, she would always do this thing you called "Sleep cursing."

It wasn't just your ordinary mumbling-in-their-sleep situation, she would literally shout out various curse words that might probably get her expelled or arrested if she said those in public.

Whenever you wake her up, she would shout out "F***ING B*TCH" and slap you right across the face.


You already knew she sleep kicked, but it gets worse when she gets nightmares.

Not only will she kick mercilessly, she would also flail her arms around as if she was drowning and trying to keep herself afloat.

You would always try to wake her up, but it was hard when she can tear your face off at any given moment if you get too close.


She never recalled having a single nightmare in her life.

In fact, she never recalls dreaming at all.

Info-chan may be the only person that could escape Freddy Krueger.


Whenever she has a nightmare, she would either do two things,

1. Cry in her sleep.

Or 2. Fight back.

When she cried in her sleep, it was mostly sobs and whimpers, you of course, would wake her up and comfort her.

However, when she fights back, she would try her best to push whatever it is that she felt, off of the bed, and when you try to wake her up, she would shout out a spell that would summon demon hands.

Hopefully it doesn't tear you apart limb from limb.

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