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You and Kokona became closer, you talked her out of compensated dating and even got a part time job to help her out, which she was very thankful for.

You noticed overtime that she was starting to become a bit... Clingy.

She would always ask if she could come with you even if you're just going to get a soda, she would walk home with you, and sometimes she even asks if you can go to school together.


Saki was weird, and you know that all too well by now, but just when you thought she couldn't be any weirder, she just did.

She started acting unusual around you, not the usual unsusual, but... Different.

She would always playfully hit you, sometimes laugh at something you said whether it was a joke or not, and she would always say "Oh you" whenever you did something for her.

You're starting to get the urge to ask if she's high.


Pippi was one of the coolest people you know, she would always play games like a pro and shared all her gaming secrets with you.

But she suddenly became cheesy as time progressed.

She kept making cheesy pick-up lines, winking at you, and randomly complimenting you, I mean, you were flattered, but this is just too weird.


You knew all too well that Osana was a Tsundere, it was painfully obvious, but she was only a full-on tsundere around Taro.

But that changed.

You noticed that she doesn't pay much attention to Taro anymore and seem to be following you around, and because you're both girls, she also followed you to the bathroom, "Coincidentally" having to pee aswell.

When you asked her about this, she only answered with,

"D-don't think I like you or anything, baka! I'm o-only doing this because you're all alone, you loser.."


You had long since forgiven her for spilling her drink on you, and honestly, you two actually started to hang out.

She was pretty cool to hang out with, the only problem is her being too snobby, arrogant, and bossy, but you can tolerate all that.

After a while, all that changed, instead of bossing you around or boasting, she actually asked you what you wanted to eat, what you wanted to buy, if you needed anything, and if you needed help.

She just... Became generous.


You two started texting frequently, pretty amused how she turned from slightly ominous, to an absolute goof.

Her way of texting that seem to give off a strange vibe, gradually stopped and was replaced with less threatening texts.

Surprisingly, the person you once feared, is now your meme provider.


The occult club was pretty interesting, you were quick to be friends with the other members, and just like Oka, they weren't the gloomy and depressed students others thought they were, in fact, they're pretty fun, just really anti-social.

You and Oka were closer though, or so you thought.

Just when you thought she opened up to you, she went back into her shell after a while, and it seemed that she was shyer than before, especially around you.

Had you done something wrong?

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