First Meeting

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Kokona Haruka/Best Friend

You walked slowly into school and changed your shoes, stumbling a bit in the process, once done, you followed almost everyone who were walking to the courtyard (gotta love peer pressure), when you got there you saw a group of boys, a guy sitting on the fountain with a girl with long orange pigtails invading his personal space, and a group of girls, you decided to approach the girls but as you got closer, your eyes landed on a girl with purple twin drills,

"Teto..? Teto Kasane?"

You muttered,

"Actually, it's Kokona. Kokona Haruka."

She stated, smiling at you which made you a bit embarassed that she heard you aloud.

"Err... (Y-Y/n) (l/n).. Heh..."

You chuckled nervously as she giggled, the other girls exchanging glances.

Saki Miyu

It was lunch time and you were exploring the outer parts of the school, you were walking near the fences when you saw something on the grass not too far from you, you ran to it and blushed a bit when you saw what it was, it was a cyan bra...

You looked around, trying to find the owner of the bra instead of making up conclusions as to why it was there in the first place, the bell rang and indicated that lunch was over, you looked at the bra and sighed as you stuffed it into your skirt's pocket (just imagine they have pockets, my school's uniform does) and ran to class.

Once you arrived, the teacher wasn't there yet, but you did see a girl looking a bit uneasy, she had cyan eyes and cyan hair that was tied into twin tails which made her look like Miku.

You approached her then asked what's wrong, when she told you, you couldn't help but blush, you took out the bra out of your pocket and showed it to her,

"Is... Is this it...?"

She looked at you wide eyed, both of you were speechless beyond that point.

Pippi Osu

You were walking towards the computer lab, hoping to join the Gaming club even though it's not an "Official club," who cares anyways? Who doesn't love gaming?

Once you got there, you slid open the door and peeked in, you saw no one but a girl on one of the computers, she seemed really into what she was playing.

You approached her and lightly tapped her on the shoulder, and in turn, she reacted to the light tapping as if it was a gunshot, she snapped her head towards you and gave you first a startled look that slowly eased into a questioning one, you cleared your throat, a bit unsure of what to make out of her reaction,

"Uhh... Are.. Are you the leader of the gaming club? If so, I would like to join.."

"Oh... Well, no, I'm not, but I'm pretty sure our leader won't be back anytime soon, so you can just consider yourself a member."

She smiled,

"I'm Pippi, by the way, Pippi Osu."

You returned the smile,

"(Y/n) (l/n)"

Osana Najimi

It was still early as you sat on one of the benches under the sakura trees listening to (F/s) on your phone, as it was nearing your favorite part, you got interrupted by someone saying "Baka" a bit too loud that you manage to hear it even with earphones on, your head shot up and saw a girl with two orange pigtails pouting angrily at a boy sitting on the fountain, laughing nervously.

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