Mornings with her

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Kokona always wakes up first, because of this, you're always awakened with breakfast in bed. You tried returning the favor, but no matter what, she always manages to beat you to it.

One time, you set an alarm for 3:00 am in the morning, certain you were gonna get up before she would. But imagine your surprise when you woke up, and saw her entering the room with hot chocolate and cookies, smiling slightly triumphantly at you.

Well, if you can't make her breakfast, there's always dinner.


Saki was very difficult in the morning to say the least. She sleeps like a log, so whether it be a school day or not, she's always sleeping in.

You tried to be gentle with waking her up, first. Kissing her face gently and poking her cheek, when that didn't work, you shook her lightly and called out her name. A couple of attempts later, you find yourself standing beside the bed with a bucket of ice cold water.

After that very cold experience, she, surprisingly, still happily ate breakfast with you.


Most of the time, the first thing you have to do in the morning is to pry the controller out of her unconscious hands, or to try and lift her head off of the keyboard, laughing at all square marks on her face.

On the rare occasion that she does sleep with you on the bed, you have to get her off the floor the next morning.

She does appreciate all your efforts in the morning and makes breakfast to repay you.


She's always the one to rise early and wake you up, most of the time having this annoyed tone in her voice, and she always calls you lazy whenever you ask for 5 more minutes.

She would sometimes say she wouldn't make you breakfast for giving her a hard time waking you up, but once you get out of bed, ready to make breakfast for yourself, you always see her in the kitchen making pancakes and huffing, complaining about how much of a baka you are.

She may seem like she's completely done with you every morning, but unbeknownst to you, she quite enjoys waking you up and taking care of you. It makes her feel special, and she would sometimes imagine you two as a married couple. Plus, she finds your sleeping face totally adorable, but she would never admit that to your face.


Despite waking up on the floor almost every morning due to her kicking, you still wake her up like a princess. Kissing her softly and caressing her face, calling out to her with a gentle voice. Sometimes, when she doesn't budge, you would carry her bridal style, and she would wake up in a fit of giggles.

Breakfast, of course, is served by her personal chef.


Info would wake up, make breakfast, wake you up, eat breakfast with you, and then make the bed.

Very professional, no questions asked. It kinda scared you, how she treated certain parts of your relationship like her profession, so sometimes, she would try not to be so serious, if it meant not freaking you out every morning.


Oka was too adorable to wake up, really, so the entire time she's still asleep, you just sit there, watching her. The moment she starts stirring awake, however, you bolt out the room and into the kitchen to make breakfast as fast as possible.

During times when she's the one who wakes up first, she just makes breakfast, and stares at your sleeping form, too shy to wake you up. This results in eating cold food most of the time, but you don't mind.


What even is my writing style anymore? :,D

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