When you're sick

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Kokona was like a mother to you when you got sick, which is weird since she's your girlfriend.

She never let you leave the bed and got you everything you needed, she cooked soup, placed tissues on your nightstand, drowned you in blankets and even cleaned you up.

She babied you to death and you loved it.


Saki was.... Clueless...

She kept giving you the wrong medicine, and almost burned your kitchen down when making soup.

In the end you had to do everything yourself with Saki behind you, cheering, saying things like:

"Go, (Y/N)! Stir that soup!"

"Boil, water, boil!"

"Come on, (Y/N), blow that nose!"

You cursed yourself for not being able to laugh at her because of your cough.


Pippi basically just dumped a bunch of cough drops by your side and read you some fanfics of your favorite video games, making sure to give them all different voices, and sometimes she even acted them out for you.

It wasn't much, but it was pretty entertaining.


Osana knew very well what to do, the only problem is that she kept complaining.

She would nag about how you should've been more careful, how you shouldn't go off touching things, how you should always bring an umbrella with you, and a bunch of other things.

Despite her talking your ears off, she did manage to take care of you quite well.


She refused to go near you until you were all better, so she sent you a butler.

It was... Quite awkward...

He never said a thing but he always expected you to talk, whenever you (awkwardly) asked him for something, he would obey and stare at you with those eyes of his, as if saying, "I'm only doing this because lady Musume told me so, I would never serve someone like you."

You never wanted that again.


She was quite professional at taking care of you.

She took your temperature, gave you the correct dosage of the medicine you're supposed to take, told you when you should drink it again, cooked for you, fed you, cleaned you up, adjusted the temperature for you, and even put you to sleep.

You felt better afterwards, but you couldn't shake off the feeling that she took a picture of your panties as you slept.


Instead of taking care of you like a normal person would, she instead took care of you the Occult Club Leader way.

She opened all the windows and lit candles in your room, she placed salt and garlic around your bed, placed some twigs wrapped in paper on your nightstand, and then proceeded to read a "cleansing spell" from her book.

You didn't really know if it worked or not, but you felt a lot better the next day.

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