When You Get Jealous

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You and Kokona were gonna eat lunch together on the roof, like always.

But as you got there, you saw her talking to a guy. Normally, this wouldn't bother you, she's a social butterfly after all, but what DID bother you however, was the fact that this guy's eyes were glued to her chest.

You walked over to them, grabbed his head, and lifted it up a bit as he looked at you,

"Hi, sorry to bother, but her eyes are over here,"

You started, pointing at Kokona's eyes,

"Also, I'm (Y/n) (L/n), Kokona's girlfriend, and you must be the guy who thought he had a chance."

The guy flushed in embarrassment and walked away. You turned to Kokona, smiling as you showed her your wrapped up bento box as if nothing happened,

"I made octodogs."


She was unfortunately the target of a well known fuckboy (no, not the Martial Arts club)

She was oblivious to it, of course, and so were you, but the fact that this guy kept following her around everywhere, made it clear to you that you had to do something.

He was doing light things at first, checking her out and catcalling, but when he purposely knocked over her books just so she would bend over and give him the oppurtunity to look up her skirt, that was the last straw.

You had caught wind of who Info-chan was and what she can do, so you decided to use it.

Despite being against your moral code, you took some panty shots and once you had enough, asked Info-chan to ruin this guy's life.

You sure got your money's worth as he was relentlessly bullied and expelled all in one day.


Pippi's currently been obsessed with a new video game and has been playing it all day, but it wasn't the game that she really loved, but the main male character.

Yep, Pippi developed a crush on a video game character.

You didn't think anything of it at first, but as it went on, you were starting to get jealous of this guy, a fictional character.

You were currently laying on her bedroom floor, reading some manga, while your girlfriend was gawking at Mr. Perfect.

"If he's soooooo great, then why don't you marry him?"

You rolled your eyes, and she turned to you,

"Well, first of all, he's in a video game, and two, I wanna marry you."

You blushed slightly and mentally slapped yourself.

I guess there was nothing for you to worry about after all.


You were waiting for her at the front gate, for about an hour now.

You first thought it was her revenge since you "always kept her waiting," but when you went back in the school, that clearly wasn't the case.

When you reached the courtyard, you saw her talking to a guy, and seem to be enjoying the conversation.

That wasn't really something to be jealous about, but the fact that she was talking to a guy you despised, that's what crossed the line.

You ran up to them and quickly carried Osana bridal style,

"I'm sorry, but it seems like my girlfriend got lost on the way to the front gate. If you'll excuse me, I'll take her home now."

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