First Kiss

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She had proposed to teach you how to cook again, but it wasn't really helping, since she was doing all the work.

Everytime she assigns you to do something, she quickly takes it back and starts doing the task on her own, hence leaving you standing there, feeling as useful as a brick.

Did she really not trust you THAT much?

You saw the boiled eggs and decided to peel them, surely she would let you do it, but nope, you're wrong, just as you were tapping the egg onto the counter, she tried to take it out of your hands.

That's it.

You grabbed both her arms and pulled her into a kiss, she froze and you pulled away, looking straight into her eyes.

"I think I got this."

You stated and she left you alone after nodding.


You kept singing a Miku Hatsune song and you can tell that Saki was getting pissed, but you can't help it, it's so catchy.

"(Y/n), I know I sang that one Miku song for my confession, and that I like her hairstyle, but will you please stop?"

You agreed and she smiled, but of course, a catchy song is a catchy song, so not long after you had agreed, you started singing again.

With a sigh, she quickly squished your cheeks together and planted a sloppy kiss on your lips, effectively shutting you up.

You were definitely going to sing that again.


You two were in her room playing some sort of racing game, you had won 4 times in a row and you can tell that Pippi was getting infuriated.

You both started a new game and drove as fast as you can, you passed her car once again and was about to win for the 5th time, that is until she grabbed your collar and smashed your lips with hers.

You had dropped your controller in shock and she pulled away, with a smirk she drove passed your unmoving car and into the finish line,


She pointed at you mockingly, you snickered and tapped your lips,

"No, I think I did."


You two were talking to your other friends (Yes, you have other friends), and Osana seemed to be enjoying herself.

You, however, were getting quite bored, you couldn't really join their conversation because it was about girly girl stuff, so you just looked at Osana.

(No offense to those that like talking about those things.)

If there's one thing you really loved about Osana, it was her constant blushing, so, you decided to be a jerk.

In the middle of her sentence, you grabbed her face and kissed her. You could hear the other girls gasping, and you were sure the one chuckling was Yui.

You pulled away, snickering when you saw her face was a shade of red you've never seen before.

Achievement unlocked.


She was talking about... Something again.

You had learned to mute her out, all she really talked about is how pretty she is and all the things she had, you listened at first, but of course, it's always the same.

"Do you want to try it?"

Musume asked, snapping you out of your daydreaming,

"Huh? Uh.. Sure.."

You agreed, not really knowing what 'it' is.

All of a sudden, she leaned towards you and planted a soft kiss on your lips (Why am I cringing?), your eyes grew wide and she pulled away,


You asked and she raised a brow at you,

"Didn't you hear me? I saaaaiiddd, I bought a new lipbalm and it's coconut flavored, then I asked if you, like, wanted to try it, and you agreed."

You really have got to learn when to ignore her and when to not.


You two were on the rooftop of some building, watching someone through a pair of binoculars.

Once you were done "investigating," you both decided to just stay there for a while and rest.

As you were doing so, you looked over at her, and damn was she pretty; her red eyes glistening in the faint light of taller buildings, the smile she had on her face as she skimmed through her notes, the way her red hair framed her face perfectly, all complimented by her red framed glasses...

You felt like you were in a trance, and suddenly, your body started moving on it's own.

You leaned towards her, cupping her cheek gently and making her face you, she looked at you questioningly, but that look was wiped off when your lips met.

(An irl friend wanted me to make Info's first kiss cliché-ishly romantic)


It was time to go home when it started to rain, fortunately for you, Oka had an umbrella with her.

As you were walking, you couldn't help but stare at her, or more specifically, her lips.

You two have been dating for quite some time now, but haven't kissed yet, you understand that Oka wasn't the "expressive" type, but one small peck wouldn't hurt, right?

As if reading your mind, and beating you to it, Oka grabbed your face and pressed her lips against yours.

When she pulled away, she was burning red with embarrassment and sped-walked away from you, leaving you stunned under the heavy pouring rain.

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