Love Languages

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Words of Affirmation

Kokona loves telling you how much she loves and adores you.

This could be verbal and range from random compliments throughout the day about your appearance or something you did, to whispered I love you's as you relax in her arms while she strokes your hair.

Or it could be written. Texts in the morning with encouraging words and cute emoticons to get your day started, as well as small notes with little doodles in the bentos she makes you.

Acts of Service

Kokona also enjoys showing her love as much as she enjoys saying it.

Cooking for you is already a given, you can almost always expect her to pack you lunch along with some snacks she made herself, with love of course. Other than that, she also offers to do chores for you that she knows you hate, hoping to lessen your burden.

So long as you don't take advantage of this particular love language of hers, and if you happen to return the favor, you can guarantee she'll never tire from it.


Physical Touch

Saki is very clingy. Of course she'll tone this down if you're not a big fan of PDA, but expect her to have a hard time stopping herself.

Hugs are a must. You're just so warm! She likes being pressed up against you whenever she can. She enjoys being the little spoon when you cuddle, but would very much prefer laying on you, hugging you like a Koala.

Words of Affirmation

She likes telling you that you're the best and that you're doing a good job!

You drank some water today?
"That's great, (Y/N)-chan! Keep it up!"

You took notes in class like you're supposed to?
"You're so diligent! You're the most hard working person I know!"

You fell down the stairs?
"You looked so graceful!"

She's your own personal cheerleader and she definitely wouldn't be opposed to you cheering her on as well.


Quality Time

She loves spending time with you. Loves it even more if you're doing something together. Loves it even even more if that something just happened to be playing video games.

Whether you're competing against each other, brainstorming to solve puzzles on mystery games, taking turns with the controller, or trying to break speedrun records, as long as it's with you, she's guaranteed to enjoy herself.

Giving Gifts

Pippi would give you gifts similar to how a crow gives its favorite person something shiny.

They're usually small gifts like keychains or pins or stickers related to games you like.

If she sees your favorite character in a gachapon machine, you bet your left leg that she's going to spend all her money trying to get that specific one.

She tries not to go overboard though, your ita bag can only hold so much.


Quality Time

Despite constantly saying that she doesn't want to spend time with you, she absolutely loves being around you.

She used to especially like going on well thought-out dates with you, but when you had told her that a date didn't need planning to be enjoyable as long as you're together, she almost fainted. She started loving random dates after that.

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