How she confessed

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Kokona invited you for a picnic underneath the cherry blossom tree behind the school for lunch, and of course, you agreed.

Once you got there, you saw her sitting on a blanket with a picnic basket next to her, you saw her smile when she saw you.

You walked over to her and sat down aswell, smiling as she took out some of the food she had prepared for the both of you.

As you were eating a sandwhich and watching the cherry blossom petals sway in the wind, she took out a small cake and placed it close to you, when you looked at it you almost choked on your sandwhich.

Written in frosting, it read,

"I like you a lot... I hope you accept my feelings <3"

You slowly looked up, smirking,

"Depends. What flavor is it?"

You asked and she giggled,

"It's (f/f)" (Favorite Flavor)

"Then that's a yes."

She smiled happily and you both started laughing.


Saki texted you, saying to meet her in the gym because she had a little surprise for you, without hesitation, you replied and went over to the gym, a bit excited what this "surprise" could be.

As you entered, you saw a single chair placed in front of the stage, with a piece of paper that says "For (Y/n)" taped to the back of it.

You walked towards it and sat down, as you did so, music started playing and Saki, or more likely, Saki dressed up as Miku, jumped into view and started singing.

At the end of her performance, you knew pretty well what she wanted to say, so you smiled at her and clapped,

"Of course! And that was great!"

She bounced happily and jumped off the stage and into your arms.


She told you specifically to stay out of the computer lab even before you got to school, she said she was working on something important and she didn't want you to "jeopardize" whatever it was.

So you did what she said and went on your day, completely ignoring the fact that your best friend locked herself up in the computer lab the entire day.

Once school was over and you were about to head home, Pippi grabbed you by the arm and dragged you to the one place she told you to stay out of, she then sat you down in her usual seat and told you to explore the "world" she created on Minecraft.

You did what she said and clicked on the world that was titled "For 'Her'" and once you were in, you saw that it was flat and in creative mode, but that wasn't important, what WAS important though, was the gigantic pixel art of a heart with your initials on it, you went closer and saw five signs, and they all contained a part of a message.

Sign 1: For (Y/n) (l/n) <3

Sign 2: I've been meaning to tell you something...

Sign 3: I've liked you for quite a while now.

Sign 4: And I didn't know how to tell you.

Sign 5: So I made this, do you like it?

You smiled after reading them, you placed a sign next to the last one and typed in "Yes, I like it and I like you too."

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