When you die

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This is completely hypothetical, you didn't really die.


She was crushed the minute she heard the news of your death.

She started drinking and went back to compensated dating, distracting herself of the pain.

Her life was a mess when you died.


She tried her best to still be optimistic.

She would still smile and chat with her friends, but would always be alone during lunchtime and after school.

She wasn't the energetic girl she used to be, something in her broke when you left.


She tried to distract herself by playing video games nonstop.

She would skip school just to play games in her room, trying her best to neglect the pain.

But no matter what, she couldn't and wouldn't forget about you.


She visited you everyday, no matter what.

She would always stand in front of your grave, bawling her eyes out, calling you a "baka" for leaving her, then apologized for all the things she did.

She showed you how much she cared without masking it.


She made sure you were remembered.

She made the school have a memorial, she payed for your funeral and everything that went with it, and she even bought a private garden in which you will be buried in.

She made sure she was generous to you, even in death.


She refused to let go.

When she heard about your death, she tried to tell herself that you were still alive, she kept texting your number, commenting on your previous posts on social media over and over, and calling your phone just so she can hear your voice on your voice mail, she even payed your phone bills anonymously.

She was in complete denial.


She still had you.

When she attended your funeral, she presented a doll that looked like you and muttered out a spell, then without anyone else knowing but Oka, your spirit transferred itself to the doll, she then kept it with her at all times.

It was as if you never left.

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