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Wind was the only thing Lavender could hear as she used her abilities to heighten her speed through the tree's of her home village

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Wind was the only thing Lavender could hear as she used her abilities to heighten her speed through the tree's of her home village.

Jumping over a log, she stopped to look behind her, a big smile on her face as her chest rose up and down. She wiggled her ears, trying to get a sense of hearing around her, but it was quiet.

She didn't trust anything, she sprung herself up on a branch, climbing to the top of the tree, if anyone were to pass here, looking for her, they wouldn't spot her, especially with her chameleon type abilities.

Her ears wiggled, but now we're warning her that there's someone around.

She quickly disguised herself before closing her eyes.

She heard small mutters from the village's guards, making small talk as they looked for her, they looked high and low, but shrugged, not being able to see her, they began to run forwards away from Lavender, causing her to open her eyes.

Once she thought they were out of eyes and hearing reach, she jumped down, and jogged back to her village.

She disguised herself as the brick wall that was the entrance to the village, slipping past the guard and changing back the her original self before skipping through the village.

She smiled, waved, said a few hello's as she made her way home, skipping up to the farmer's fruit Market display. Grabbing a red apple and flicking him a gold coin.

Which immediately made the farmer's eyes go wide as he had just been paid with real gold.

Normies on a day-to-day basis would go into villages like Onsari because they usually lived in historic times. They never liked to age with the decades because they knew their timeline was better.

Except for the Marigolds. Yes they still lived in their home village that had been around since the 1600s. But they wore modern day clothes, used technology, except for currency of course.

The small Marigold walked up to the front door of the largest cottage in the village and opened it quietly, swiftly getting herself in before shutting the door.

She smiled at the quietness before taking a deep breath.

"I'm home!" She sang. Taking a bite of her apple with a smile. She got no reply, so, she decided to walk into the kitchen, opening the cabinet door and taking out a small glass. Filing it with water and walking out to her living room.

"Sit down." Her father spoke, his eyes staring at hers.

Lavender rolled her eyes, taking a big stride to the couch and placing her self opposite him, placing down her apple and water.


"An arrow to the shoulder? Really Lavender?" He spoke rather calmly, which made Lavender furrow her brows.

"He deserved it."

"From what I heard, he didn't," he spoke, now looking at her gaze, leaning back into his chair. "You, intentionally... fired it into his shoulder."

"He got in the way. Me and Cyprus were–"

"Can you not see how bad this is?" He asked, now getting a bit stern.

"I mean, he shouldn't of been running in front of my shot." She shrugged. Crossing her arms and legs, also leaning back into the comfort.

"You sent someone to the hospital, Lavender!" He spoke, raising his voice.

Lavender sunk into her seat, looking down.

"And that is why, I'm shipping you off to Nevermore."

Lavenders eyes snapped up to her fathers, leaning forward.

"Good joke." She said, daring him to say it was just a joke.

"You'll be driven tomorrow."

"And you won't accompany me?"

"No," her father said standing up. "I already talked to Principle Weems over the phone. We've made arrangements." He said, standing up and walking up to the door frame.

"You better pack."


Hello fellow Thorpe fans!  I'm hoping you
Like the first chapter about our pointy eared character! I think she's genuinely going to be one of the best people I've written :))

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