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"Seriously? You wanna go in there?" Enid asked as the four reached the gates of the old mansion.

"Nobody's gonna say 'Ooga Booga', Enid," Lavender spoke, "No one lives there, well, unless you count the spiders, ghosts, bats..."

"Bats?! No, that's it. This place is creepy AF." The blonde haired girl said at once, trying to dismiss Wednesday's plan.

"I know," Wednesday smirked.

"I know," Lavender said under her breath, mimicking Wednesday's monotone voice. Well suddenly, her attention was bought behind her, making her fasten the speed of head to look towards the sound.

"This isn't what I signed on for," Tyler said, watching Wednesday trying to unlock the gate.


"On?" Lavender asked. "Why on?"


"Signing up for something sounds better than signing on for something," she said, finally looking uptowards him.

"They mean the same thing," Tyler said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Lavender's right," Wednesday said, fiddling with the lock. "It sounds better," she spoke, now shifting her gaze behind her to look at the three.

"Why did you have to lie to get us here?" Tyler said, looking between Enid and Lavender, Wednesday shrugged and turned back to the lock.

"One, I didn't lie to Lavender,"

"Oh, fabulous, drop me in," Lavender said under her breath.

"And two, I didn't want to celebrate my birthday by going to dinner or a surprise party," she said, now looking at everyone again. "I want to do this."

"Then you should of just said so. You didn't have to trick us," Tyler shrugged.

"If you want to go, you can. I'm going to go check out the garage." Wednesday smirked before walking through the gates.

Enid and Tyler looked at each other in question. Whilst Lavender watched them with a quirked brow.

"To hell we go!" Lavender smiled sarcastically, marching towards Wednesday to catch up with her.

And shortly after, Tyler and Enid followed.

"What are you hoping to find?" Lavender asked Wednesday as she had now caught up with her.

"Information on the Gates."

"Oh, well, good talk, I guess,"

The group walked in silence together as they found their way to the Gates mansion. The only thing they could hear was the sound of Lavenders feet kicking the leaves and stones underneath her feet.

They walked up to the garage doors, but they unfortunately were locked, though Lavender had a good chuckle at Tyler when he was trying to pull them open.

"This is pointless," Tyler huffed.

"Can I try?" Enid said.

POISON|| Xavier ThorpeWhere stories live. Discover now