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How was Lavender feeling? Absolutely

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How was Lavender feeling? Absolutely... incurious.

Yes, she had been tied to a chair and a bag over her head, but she wasn't overly worried about it. She was learnt from an early age how to dislocate her thumbs to get out of any situation that included her hands behind tied up.

She would've  been more worried, but the sound of shuffling and someone crying in pain,

"That was my foot!"

Really made her think she was in no danger.

The bag was pulled off her head, and to her surprise, Wednesday had also been bagged.

She looked at those in front of her with robes on, covering their faces but also wearing masks. One of them shining a light on Wednesday and Lavender.

"Who dares breach our inner sanctum?"

Lavender rolled her eyes, as did Wednesday before speaking up.

"You can take the mask off, Bianca."

Lavender raised a brow, not knowing how she could know it was Bianca, but she immensely scoffed as she saw all of her peers in front of her.

"What a cute little get together!" Lavender smiled, causing Bianca to roll her eyes.

"Wait, I preferred you with it on." Wednesday said rather quickly causing Bianca to give her a disgusted look.

"How did you get down here?" The Thorpe boy asked, more directed towards Lavender. But, Wednesday answered anyhow.

"Rowan showed me."

"I was kidnapped." Lavender shrugged.

Wednesday motioned down to her pocket, telling Xavier to grab something from it. "I tracked the watermark down to the Poe statue, then I solved the riddle."

"Wait, there's a riddle? I thought we just snapped twice."

"Well, aren't you the brightest if the bunch?"

"I'd say you're very fun at parties." Lavender smiled.

"The Nightsades are an elite social club, emphasis on elite."

"So, why are you in it then?" Lavender asked, tilting her head, causing her to get a view on Wednesday's hands, which she was working to get the rope off, which Immediately made her began to work on hers.

"We have roof parties, campouts, the occasional midnight skinny dip." Yoko spoke.

"And Yoko's an amateur mixologist."

Lavender twisted her face up, they all sounded like they were in some 2010s boy band, she was cringing by the second.

"She makes a killer Virgin Mojito. It can get pretty wild."

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