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Lavender's walk back to Nevermore was quite the experience, as her feet never touched the ground.

Xavier carried her all the way back to her dorm, but Lavender wasn't too thrilled about it. She was too proud to be carried like a child. Lavender was gently set down on her bed, and as she tried to reach for her shoes, Xavier spoke up.

"Should we... go to the infirmary?-"

"Pretty convenient, you know," Lavender trailed off, suspecting that Xavier's sudden appearance was too much of a coincidence.

"What is?" He asked.

"Oh, you know, you're timing.." She shrugged.

"Are you asking if I'm that- thing?" Xavier asked.

"No! No, never... however-" Lavender stuttered.

Xavier was incredulous. "How long have you been suspicious of me? Did Wednesday say something?"

Lavender stayed quiet and shrugged. She couldn't shake the feeling that Xavier was always there at the right time.

"Unbelievable," Xavier scoffed, turning his back to Lavender and storming out of the dorm, slamming the door behind him.


Lavender had been avoiding Xavier ever since he showed up at the Gate's mansion. She really, really tried to convince herself that Xavier wasn't suspect at all, but she had no luck. Xavier had been trying to reach out to Lavender, but she kept pushing him away. He couldn't understand why she was acting this way. He had never once tried to harm Lavender, so why would she ever think it was him?

After the whole day of Xavier trying to talk to her since last night, he finally decided he had enough. He cornered Lavender in one of the many closets at Nevermore, blocking the exit with his body. Lavender's heart raced as she realized she was trapped with Xavier, the one person she didn't want to be stuck with if he was the monster.

"Avoiding me, Lavender?" Xavier questioned, his voice laced with frustration.

Lavender tried to step around Xavier, but he blocked her every move. She felt trapped and vulnerable, and her mind raced with thoughts of escape.

"I'm not.. 'avoiding' you.. and you typically know why I haven't spoken to you-"

"Enough with the games." He said at once.

Lavender said, her voice shaky. "I just need some time to think." She never once broke her guard down of being tough. But if she was as close to the monster right now, she didn't want another bitten leg.

Xavier's expression softened a bit, but he still blocked the exit. "Think about what?" He asked. "I'm not the monster,"

Lavender's eyes narrowed. "You don't know what it's like," she spat. "To think you're that- thing, to even be as close to you right now when you're possiblly a 9ft killing machine. I don't know if I can trust you,"

Xavier's eyes hardened. Had she truly lost any good thoughts of him? "Lavender-" he got cut off as he walked closer.

Lavender's heart raced as Xavier closed the distance between them. She could see the frustration and hurt etched on his face, and it only fueled her determination to confront him.

"What do you want, Xavier?" she spat, her voice laced with accusation. "Another excuse? Another lie?"

Xavier's jaw tightened, his eyes narrowing. "I've never lied to you, Lavender. I've always been honest with you, even when it's difficult."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2023 ⏰

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