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New day, new... New nothing.

"Shit on a stick."

Never mind, Prudence was back, and that's something.

Lavender sat herself up slowly, her eyes burning of tiredness, and the sunlight coming through the window, but mostly the tiredness.

"Where were you last night?" Lavender asked, rubbing her eyes a tad to adjust to her being awake.

"Oh," Prudence turned around from the mirror she had placed on her desk. "I, um, no where special." She shrugged.

"Hmm," Lavender hummed as she thought for a second. "What time is it?" She asked. Prudence turned to look at her phone. "You've got like... 15 minutes... roughly."

"You're telling me it's... nine o'clock?"

"Uh... yes?"

"And you didn't... wake me up?!" Lavender spoke as she swung her legs over the bed and rushed to her wardrobe.

"I didn't know what time you got in... and you slept past your alarms, so I thought you were pretty tired... but I did grab you a cereal bar and a smoothie!" She smiled.

"Well, that's something. Thank you, Prue." She smiled genuinely and rushed to the bathroom with her uniform in her hands.


She hadn't seen anyone all day.

Actually, scrap that... she saw Wednesday and Enid, had a friendly conversation with Ajax... other than that, nul.

Just as she thought her day couldn't get boring anymore, she got billed into a cupboard.

The door shut and and a light was lit from a match. She looked towards it and saw Wednesday and Thing.

Wednesday gave Thing the match, and the two of them starred her down.

"How romantic, I must say. But, Wednesday... you aren't - "


"Ouch." Lavender said, putting her hand to her heart.

"I think Xavier is the monster." Wednesday said quickly, causing Lavender to be flabbergasted.

"I- huh?"

"Okay- Xavier paints... a lot. In a shed, just some distance away from the school, and everything he's ever painted or drawn is of the monster."

"So, just because he's done a few -"

"There was a drawing of the Gates of the mansion we went to," Wednesday rambled. "And he seems to be everywhere I am, rather creepy, and not in the way I like."

"I also need you to accompany me to the Gates house tonight, I'm going to explore it thoroughly." Wednesday nodded, waiting for an answer.

"Oh- right. Okay, um.. why don't you take Enid with you?"

"She's already a part of it... she doesn't know it yet, but she'll come with us regardless because she's loyal." Wednesday shrugged.

POISON|| Xavier ThorpeWhere stories live. Discover now