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"This is absolutely.... horrific." Lavender spoke as she walked into the Harvest festival with Prudence.

"Oh, come on. It's great." Prudence smiled.

"There are sticky, sweaty and loud people everywhere. You can't see this as, fun." She spoke, looking around at everyone playing games at booths, or everyone smiling and laughing on the ferris wheel.

"Oh my– just look," Prue spoke, dragging Lavender towards a booth.

"Okay, so, pick up these bean bags, throw them into those bowl things, and if you get them all, you win a bear." Prudence smiled, handing her the bean bags.

Lavender rolled her eyes, looking directly at Prudence and throwing them into the bowls without even look, one by one she threw them, keeping her eyes on Prudence.

"Here you go," the man spoke behind the booth, and she didn't even look at him, she just took the bear and gave it to Prudence.

"Okay, so, maybe this is a bit of a breeze for you."

"Perhaps." She shrugged. Her gaze suddenly going behind Prudence shoulder and seeing a lonely looking Xavier moping around.

"I'll be back," she spoke, waisting no time and walking towards him.

Prudence furrowed her brows but smirked when she seen Lavender was walking straight down Xavier.

"Why the long face?" She pouted towards him, causing him to roll his eyes.

"No reason." He shrugged.

"Yeah, okay. Sure, I believe you." She nodded, squinting her eyes towards him. But she soon smiled, and gave a soft laugh before loosing her balance as someone knocked into her shoulder, sending her into Xavier.

Xavier caught her and set her up straight, his touch lingering on her longer then expected.

She took her gaze off his face to look who had just ran into her shoulder, she just wanted to talk.

But instead she seen Rowan walking rather fast and Wednesday running after him, and some random boy also running after them.

She thought for a moment, she pondered on whether she was gonna go or not, it had absolutely nothing to do with her.... but when Rowan and Wednesday was involved? She thought it was necessary.

She ran off without a word, pushing past people, some almost hitting the floor, whatever was going to happen, she didn't want to miss it.

"What do you want? Why are you following me?" She heard as she got closer.

"I don't have time to explain but you're in danger."

"I think you've got it backwards."

Her ears began to go off rapidly, something was happening, and someone was about to get hurt. But that didn't stop her from stopping dead in her tracks at the sound of distant cracking of bones.

She shook it off, speeding over with her abilities and stopping in-between Wednesday and Rowan.

"Oh, great. Just who I need. Guess I'll be lucky tonight." Rowan smiled.

"Lavender, run." Wednesday spoke from her posting up against the tree, but it was too late, Lavender has been stuck in place by Rowans telekinesis powers.

"You see, I have to kill you, both of you." He spoke.

"The gargoyle, that was you?" Wednesday asked as she came to realisation.

"Yeah." He nodded. "And that arrow," he spoke looking towards Lavender. "That was me." He smiled.

"It's always the quiet ones." Wednesday spoke.

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