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"Enid, if you don't stop pushing me, you're going to loose those claws."

"Nice of you to say, Ven." Xavier chuckled.

"I'm sorry, but everything needs to be on time! Down to a 'T'!" Enid said at once. Causing Prue and Lavender to roll their eyes. "We've got it, Enid," Prue spoke. "Just go back and get Wednesday.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Yes." Everyone said in unison.

"Okay!" She smiled, and turned around to skip back to Nevermore.

Lavender gave a blunt response as she stepped outside of Joseph Crackstone's Crypt, which she thought of as a 'large stone container for a person convicted of a mass murder.' She said she would be keeping an eye out, as she had no interest in socialising with anyone.


There's always one.


"What's up?" He asked.

Lavender frowned. "Are you saying that in a 'how are you?' Or a 'Lavender! My G, waz poppin'?" She spoke, making hand gestures, acting out the scene.

"I'm asking you, how you are," Xavier smiled watching her putting on a voice and acting like she was some ruffian.

"wow, where have you been all my life?" She smiled, battering her eyelashes and intertwining her hands.

Xavier inched close to Lavender, keeping only a minimal gap between them, and she was glad she didn't have to crane her neck to meet his gaze.

"I could ask the exact same thing for you," He said, now keeping his tone unemotional. "you wanna know where you've been all your life?" She asked with a head tilt.

"Boy, you know I can't tell you that. You have to look deep within-"

He peered at her, his interest in her very apparent. "Why are you doing that?" he asked, cutting her short. She replied, looking a bit bewildered, "Doing what?" Her eyebrows had bunched together in confusion.

He spoke from the heart when he said, "Pretending that you don't feel what I'm feeling, pretending that you don't have any emotions at all."

Lavenders eyes scanned his face, he knew she couldn't pretend, pretending was a sort of lying.

"You know I can't 'pretend'." She actually thought it was quite offensive to assume she was pretending.

"Then be truthful with me, right now." He spoke, now inching a slight bit closer.

"We're supposed to be here for Wednesday's birthday. I didn't come here to play, 'truth or truth'." She said, crossing her arms.

"Who would you have rather have gone with to the Rave'N?" He asked her, not answering her previous statement.

"I didn't want to even attend it."

"Stop trying to avoid the question. Out of the entire of Nevermore, who would it be?"

"You," She blurted out, closing her eyes in the process, at this point, she was ready for the ground the swallow her whole, perhaps there was a way for Elves to get rid of their curse of telling the truth.

"See, wasn't so hard."

Lavender raised a brow, now she had completely told the truth, she was able to work her way around the actual truth.

"Because," she challenged, "You're the only person I really know here, except for Prue, Wednesday, Enid and... Colden." She smiled.

"No, I know you're doing that thing when you work distance from your answer to the truth as much as possible." He protested.

POISON|| Xavier ThorpeWhere stories live. Discover now