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The day was dragging on and on, and as of now, Lavender was sulking in a booth, now you may be wondering why, or you certainly aren't and just want to read why

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The day was dragging on and on, and as of now, Lavender was sulking in a booth, now you may be wondering why, or you certainly aren't and just want to read why.

Well, it seems Lavender doesn't have great people skills, and Tyler Galpin had put her on time out for throwing a customers coffee at them.

But in her defence, they called her a freak.

She sat with her chin on her chest and her arms crossed, she looked like a child throwing a tantrum.

But she slightly raised her head when someone in blue striped uniform sat down at her table.

He had emerald green eyes, the sun glaring on them making them piercing, he had messy flaxen hair, but he made it look rather natural, Lavender could tell her didn't care about his hair, as long as it stayed on his head, it didn't matter. And the immediate thing she realised was how he accessories himself with a silver chain necklace and silver rings.

"Can I help you?" She said rather bluntly, keeping her arms crossed and eyes burning holes into his.

"Just wondering what someone like you is doing here, all alone." He smiled, playing with the rings on his fingers.

"Smooth," She said "you can leave now." She smiled.

"I'm Colden," he said, leaning back into the booth.


"–vender," he finished. "I already know who you are."

"Okay... bye then." She smiled, waving her hand, her face dropping when he continued to sit there, not moving. "What do you want?" She asked.

"A coffee."

"Then ask, Xavier." She said, pointing towards him, who until now, she didn't notice he was staring at her, with a face as if the Easter bunny had left a few droppings in his cereal.

"But I want one from you." He smiled, a very bright smile.

"Well, I've been put on time out, so, cry." She smiled back.

"I'll just wait," he smirked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Wonderful." She sarcastically smiled, before also leaning back into the booth and crossing her legs to match her folded arms. She glared at him with narrowed eyes, whilst his reminds joyful and clear.

"Should I be worried?" Colden asked in a low voice.


"Your little boyfriend over there is staring at me." He said, moving his gaze towards Xavier, who was flaring towards Colden.

"We're not together."

"Then, I suggest telling him that before he breaks something." Colden smiled. Before getting up from his seat and sending a wink towards Lavender.

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